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Posts posted by parkair

  1. I recently tried on the G4 XXL, it was fine all around except the cheek bones. The hard padding just below eye level on eachside made the helmet too painful to keep on. Too bad, because it was nice otherwise. Going with the Bonehead Aero XXL. My head is 24" around.

  2. BIGUN,
    It's tight in both. I had this canopy (Pilot ZP 168) in my last rig which was for a 190-210. Of course it fit loose but nice. I hoped it would fit in the new Wings, but no, so I was thinking the ZPX 168 would be perfect. Was hoping to keep it at a 168 without downsizing. Really like the new Wings for fit.

  3. Anyone put a Pilot 168 ZPX in a Wings W-11 container? I have a Pilot 168 ZP and it is too big. So tight that it messes with the deployments. Just got the new container but I really like my 168 and don't want to downsize at this time. The answer from Sunrise is we sized everything off PD canopies. Thanks for your honest answers.

  4. I too keep getting scammed by people who seem legit on here. I am currently awaiting a refund from Paypal for a reserve that doesn't exist. I even told Meso and nothing was done to show it as a scam. I take full responsibility for my gullibility. It would be nice if a profile or something was necessary before posting in the classifieds. I've heard all the reasons why it isn't feasible in order to keep it all free. But it is getting out of hand. Seems like 1 for every 5 listings are scams.

    And what is with you guys wasting so much time policing the forum about where this and that should be. Get a life outside the door! WTF.

    I'm going to the DZ now! :) .........

  5. Thanks Meso for the earlier reply,

    I do agree with your ideas and policies on this website. But it's getting to a point where a LARGE percentage of the sellers are scammers. Especially on the AAD classified section. And then there's the buyer scammers. Maybe it is time for a radical change. I enjoy and use this website often but it is not worth losing large sums of money. Thanks.....

  6. Why is there so many scams in the Dropzone classifieds? It seems there are more issues on this website than others I frequent. Is there anyway to create more barriers or checks to be sure the people on here are legit? After looking through a few classifieds currently posted, some sellers have never logged on. Yet they have a item for sale.

  7. I used one in my Wings W22. I had the V350 semi bag in it. Worked great. Contact Greg Rau at Vector. You can find his email address on the Vector website. He can tell you the correct semi bag size for your container. You will love it. MP