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Posts posted by FreeFallFiend

  1. Hi everyone. I was hoping to get some feedback on a recent video project I was involved in. I was approached years ago by a producer to make a mini-doc about BASE jumping and Skydiving. We finally got around to making it and I've posted the link below. This was a passion project that edited down 8 years of footage, 3 hours of interview, and 3 hours of B-roll down to a 10 and a half minute story. I gave the producer complete creative freedom on this one so what you see is the same thing I saw for the first time. No changes have been made. I think they did a great job.

    It's been received really well so far and the producer is toying with the idea of making either a second episode or a longer version. We have TONS of footage but more importantly we have a lot of good interview material talking about various stories, memories, and a lot of science and psychology behind what we do.

    So my question is should we make another or a longer one? Is there anything people don't like?

    Here is the link to the video:

    Here is how I first described the video:

    "Five years ago I met Jeremy Heslup when he was hired at the production house I was working at back in Cincinnati. We only knew each other in passing I was just starting my fall BASE trip that year and I quit my job when I returned. We stayed in contact over the years as I loved his work and he was intrigued by my lifestyle. We kept tossing around the idea of a video about my life as a BASE jumper. Through the ups and downs of the sport the idea constantly gained then lost momentum with me. These days Jeremy owns and runs Praemio which tells the story of the people behind interesting activities not just the activity itself. This format excited me. I wanted to tell my story, our story, the good and the bad. We aren't just jumpers we are real people - and very complicated people at that. This video is the culmination of 8 years of BASE footage, 3 hours of interview, and 3 hours of b-roll. I think Jeremy did a great job of editing it down to an 11 minute video. Not everyone is going to like what I have to say, but it's my story, and it's honest. I hope you enjoy."

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  2. roostnureye

    Sleep in the bed you've made.
    The responses here clearly state how the BaseJumpers feel about your endeavor.

    and get a life, 50 fucking skydives.......
    what the fuck is wrong with you?
    grasping at straws are we? :D

    do the manufacturers know you will be going against their requirements for beginners jump numbers? you do realize they require 200 to use their equipment right?

    its apparent you don't care about the base community, manufacturers, or participants.
    by supporting the idea of a 50 jump wonder jumping at this event.

    please stop trolling the skyjumping forums for people to put in danger.

    btw what rigs are you planning on loaning out to the 50jump wonders?

    ill be sure to let the manufacturers know that you disregard their safety requirements and have no problem putting them at risk.

    The new "organizer" doesn't care about safety or liability. That's why he was told he wasn't welcome back at Bridge Day after 2011. Which is amusing since he is accusing other of having an ax to grind.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  3. The111

    This entire discussion (i.e. "how to safely jump a wingsuit that might swallow your handles") is insane to me.

    Welcome to's Wing Suit Flying Forum. So how long you been on the internet? ;)

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  4. I have seen several suits with this problem including mine. It's not really a problem with the suit but rather how the suit and your harness (specifically the laterals) fit on your body. The easy fix is to tie the zippers "the other way." In other words...if you are currently tying the bungie so that it is between your body and the harness, stop doing that, and instead tie the bungie so it is between your harness and your suit. (On the opposite side of the harness.) I hope that is descriptive enough. Since it depends on fit there doesn't seem to be one way that works well for everyone but switching it from one way to the other when there is a problem seems to work.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  5. +1

    When I was in Switzerland we were reviewing some video in the Horner. Dan Vicary happened to see and commented that my tail wing of my Colugo could be pressurizing faster. He modified it for me a couple hours later and now it pressurizes ridiculously fast.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  6. phoenixlpr


    really fast plane + no flaps

    Do you blame the plane and its pilot?

    Lets blame the moon because it was in a wrong phase.:P

    Nope. No where above did i even hint at placing blame. Actually maybe i did in a vague facetious way, but rather the WS pilot not the plane pilot. No one made him exit. All i was saying is it wasn't great conditions for a WS exit in the first place.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  7. havoc996

    I think what we have in this country is an ambivalence problem. We all preach doing the right thing but then simply watch when someone falls through the cracks.

    I agree, i think that is part of the problem as well. People always want to scream and shout that something is wrong but then never want to make the effort to try and make it better.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.


    Don't hate me for trying to spin this so fast...I'm really just trying to say how i honestly feel. When can we finally admit that as a country we have a severe mental health problem and not an access to weapons problem?

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  9. hcsvader

    Try to take a few different cards as well as cash and keep them separate. I dont know how many stupid travellers ive met who have lost everything in one shot.

    I would just modify that to say take a few cards but only use one. Reduces the risk of fraud and easier to track after the fact. If something happens to that single one you have been using then you have a least one more. I also recommend keeping the cards in different locations. That way if you lose it or are robbed you still have another.

    Several companies out there dont charge international fees anymore. I love my AMEX for it's security but Capital One doesnt charge foreign transaction fees and I have had great luck traveling abroad on their cards too.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  10. Doug_Davis

    So in your opinion a student should show up on day one knowing how to inspect a rig for damage and/or serviceability, or anything that happens is their fault?

    Somehow I dont think you really believe that. :S
    And if you do then I pray to God you dont own a DZ.

    Where did you take your FJC? Because in ours...and every other FJC I have ever witnessed gear identification and inspection is one of the first things you are taught.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  11. Hmmm...i would be really curious to see what weights were applied to various questions. My score was much higher than i anticipated but I would hypothesis its due to that fact that I didnt make many skydives last year and none in the last month.

    500+ jumps, 5 + years in sport, 150+ on current canopy, 2 years on current canopy, 149sqft, 1.3-1.4WL, always land within a few meters.

    Still scored a 39?

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  12. From


    BASE jumping at Camelback Mountain here in Arizona has recently come under attack from a local bureaucrat and one disgruntled neighbor. There will be a city council meeting this Thursday at 5PM discussing a potential ban. The meeting will be held at City County Chambers, 200 W Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ.

    I know that most people that read this won't be able to make it but please sign this petition.

    BASE jumping at Camelback is under attack. There will be a City Council meeting on Thursday, Feb 27 at 5pm to discuss banning BASE in the park. We need to make sure this doesn't happen. Come to the City Council Chambers at 200 W Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ. If you can't make it, sign our online petition here. Repost and share this so we do not lose this gem.

    We need to band together on this. BASE is overwhelmingly supported in the community but could easily be taken away because of a loud and very small minority.

    Just a little background. This is a site that gets jumped a decent amount. There has never been a death and only two injuries ever required EMS. (No helicopters.) Most jumpers respect the site and most neighbors like us. The locals have and continue to go through great efforts with the residents, law enforcement, and politicians to keep BASE jumping in a good light here.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  13. It's worth noting the guy spotting her in many of the pics as well as wearing the video helmet is Bryan Rapoza of Avenfoto. Active BASE jumper and skydiver. He does the majority of the Zero G photo/video sessions.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  14. Detrimental.

    Nothing about being a good tracker is detrimental to anything in skydiving or BASE jumping. It is one of the single most important skills someone can have no matter what discipline they choose to follow.

    I understand your point...vaguely, but saying it's detrimental is highly inaccurate. In addition to being incredibly important i dont see how learning to fly your body can hurt with wingsuiting. Is it a different skill set that is performed differently? Sure. However it is no different than showing a student how to relax and/or dearch for WS or FF instruction. This falls on the coach regardless of discipline.

    Inexperienced skydivers are very impressionable. There are already far too many skydivers out there who "didnt want to waste time on their belly because they dont want to pick up bad habits for freeflying." Let's not also send the message that inexperienced jumpers shouldn't constantly work on their track just because they want to WS.

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

  15. DSE


    Detrimental how? (curious)

    Sometimes we'll get students in that have been practicing tracking for WS that have the idea that maximum flight is what they want to achieve on their first few jumps. Part of a good coach's job is to catch it before the first flight occurs. If it's not caught, frequently the FFC will generate instability through a rigid, and usually improper body position.
    An FFC should be focused on exit, navigation, deployment, and nothing more. Body position, maximum flight, etc all come later in the process.

    "You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means"

    I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.