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  1. It was a tiny Xaos if I remember right, in a custom made mirage. If anyone sees him, remind him he owes me $20. (and for the love of god keep the Captain Morgan's away from him!) Anybody from Lake Wales know him? Or know who his mom is he kept talking about?
  2. Anybody from Lake Wales recognize this guy? I made a few jumps with him awhile back, he said he was from around there. His head down is rock solid, but his landings are funny to watch. He gets them little legs going fast! He said something about his mom being around Lake Wales, and how he left without telling anyone he was leaving. There seemed to be a story there, but he didn't want to talk about it. Might have been the alcohol (and boy can he drink! wow! party animal! I'll see if I can find those pictures) If you know his mom, tell her he's doing ok. Or hang this up there where she might see him. I haven't seen him since, so I don't know where he's at now, I got the impression he's just been wandering a lot lately. Really cool little fella.