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Posts posted by AdrianGlave

  1. Quote

    Before this weekend, i always got really nervous when that door opened. I used to almost dread that time, but not anymore.

    Not sure what changed, but its like all of a sudden i was comfortable sitting there ready to go, maybe my instructor just relaxed me or something?

    Either way, i now have a lot of fun during the whole ride up and everything following!!

    Similar experience here. Through AFF I always had a 'preference' to sit at a comfortable distance from the door.

    All that disappeared somewhere during my coach jumps for whatever reason - spending more time at the (open) door on the ride up to altitude probably helped along with being more and more comfortable and less anxious about the jumps themselves.

  2. Quote

    So in a sense you do have to pay taxes on it, just like any other income. Top tax rate in the U.S. I believe is 35%. Used to be 75% but the rich people bought all the politicians so now they get all the tax breaks. :P

    I believe in the UK tax is paid/collected on the 'stake', i.e. there is tax paid/collected from the price of the lottery ticket. So there's no tax paid on the winnings.

    You'll pay tax on interest earned on the winnings but that's no different to money you'd have in the bank for any other means.

  3. Quote



    I have family. I have people I work with. I have skydiver friends. I have non-skydiver friends. These groups are separate and there are reasons for that.

    You want Google+

    Do I...

    In so far as the Google+ Circles feature addresses your point about having groups that are separate from each other.

    It would allow you to have a Family Circle, Work Circle, Skydiver Friends Circle, Non Skydiver Friends Circle and share what was relevant to each with each.

    Your Family Circle wouldn't get to see what you shared with your Skydiver Friends Circle and vice versa.

  4. Quote

    I have family. I have people I work with. I have skydiver friends. I have non-skydiver friends. These groups are separate and there are reasons for that.

    You want Google+ (They use 'circles' just like you do in real life.)

    And from what I can tell so far, google+ doesn't have a 'wall'.

  5. I've only been to SDH after choosing them for my AFF this year based on the proximity to home.

    I really don't think it could have worked out better either. A very welcoming bunch all round.

    It has been and continues to be awesome.

  6. Yeah, yesterday was crazy hot. The A/C in the lodge room struggled so much I drifted into a semi coma in the afternoon!

    I got a great half an hour tunnel time last night with the coach but I was certainly achy this morning and with the inevitable impending heat I decided against jumping.

    Instead I've gone for another half an hour of tunnel time this evening and will resume jumping next weekend at my local DZ.

    Tunnel time rocks and I'm feeling much more comfortable about doing my next few coach jumps (forward/back and swooping/docking).

  7. This weekend rocked.

    I graduated AFF with a double front flip exit on AFF jump #8 :DB|:DB|

    There's still a [very] long way to go but jumping from the plane with a huge smile on my face tells me I'm enjoying it so far B|