I went to Titusville to do my 100th jump, at 18k. The old hag that is manifest received us with no courtesies and immediately asked how many jumps I had. I told her I wanted to do my 100th there with my friends, we were from out of the country and came to the us to several dz, including SPC. She told me that I couldnt jump because I had to have 125 jumps to be able to jump there. I asked about the number, finding it to be very arbitrary since you cannot upgrade licenses until your 200th. She said it was the owners decision.
Fine. I went to the packing area and spoke to a few cameras and tandem masters to see if they could do anything for me. They were super friendly, but then the hag came again and was a real b#$%h at them for talking to me.
This is a TANDEM FACTORY, its not pretty, manifest not friendly at all, and NOT SKYDIVER FRIENDLY AT ALL!! Most of the nice reviews come from tandem jumpers, and yeah theyre nice because youre paying $300 to jump, but when youre only paying $28 you're not welcome there.
My advice, keep driving and hit up Skd Sebastian, and dont waste your time here.