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  1. Thnx everybody for the posts! @ floormonkey That's indd the same idea I have, but not exactly what I'm looking for in a video. I create controllers on my movie with adobe flash so you can interact with the system. That's not possible with Google Earth. @ Hellis It's indd what I'm looking for. The only problem is these are mountains. I'd rather have a movie with 'normal land' on it, like roads, houses or something.
  2. Hey everybody, for university I have to design an indoor experience. This will be indoor skydiving with projecting a skydiving video on the floor, a jumpsuit (with ropes) 1 mtr above the floor and some other tools to make the experience as real as possible. I've been looking for a video without a skydiver on it on several sites, but I cannot find what I'm looking for. Is there somebody who got a vid like this? What I mean is somebody who jumps out of a plane, and only films whats beneath him/her. So, straight to the earth. Could you please PM or tell me if you got something like this, or you know a vid on the web/on this site which meets my requirements? I would be very pleased! PS Forgive me my bad english, it's not my motherlanguage ;(