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Posts posted by hankwood

  1. Any one got an opinion on time between aff4 & 5. I ran low on cash / got jitters. not sure which held me up. I can't find a s/l jump. Some feed back would be appriciated

  2. just did my aff 3 (twice) first one the freefall wasn't so hot but I landed ok. Second jump got the bugs worked out of the freefall but I landed hard on my ass. Flaired to early,for some reason I'm having problems with depth perception, looking at it wrong?,, ex says its coz I'm an idiot but I'd like a more experienced opinion. I wear prescription progressive glasses. nothing serious yet but I'm too old to do that often

  3. kind of curious, I'm doing my first 7 aff jump( 2 down) and I'm wondering if tipping is common. saw someone else do it but I figured that they were getting paid to have fun at work(wish I could do that) . getting kind of a vibe and I haven't kneed anyone in mid-air or anything so I am wondering if that is it. these jumps ain't breaking the bank but they ain't cheap either
    any thoughts?

  4. howdy y'all, I'm new to skydiveing, 1 tandem, 2 aff,need to go do my 3 aff in a few minutes. feeling a little uneasy, not sure why. Everything's been good till now but today the inst. let go, :obut had to happen some day. feel like they going to let me fall and that is a really stupid thought coz ,of course , I'm falling allreadyB|oh well