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Posts posted by coho21

  1. So I made a couple of FF dives last weekend. We were exiting HD and transitioning to a sit after we got off the hill. Anyways, before transitioning I wanted to try and fly a little HD unfortunately I seem to keep flying on my back instead of a vertical position. On film it looked like I was bending a little at the waist. (looked like you would cup for a track)

    Any helpful hints on how I can straighten this out into the vertical?


  2. Clownburner,

    Even though you don't want to spend the $ I would still talk with Chris Fiala. Explain your concerns to him and I'm sure that he will help you out. He runs the Elsinore Eclipse FreeFly school and is a totally chill guy.

    Look him up. He should be the one walking around in a purle and yellow freefly suit with the dreadlocks.

  3. Mark,

    Nice email. I totally agree with you this is a bunch of BS. They are just starving for ratings right now and think that they can boost their advertising revenue because it's sweeps week. It's a shame that they tried to do it at the expense of great DZ.


  4. Quote

    WE used to put it in "friends" cars making sure to get it into the vents. I know I know.. but it was gunny as hell when they'd turn on the heater 6 months later and get a confetti bath

    LOL, now that's just plain mean.:D

  5. It really isn't that big of an issue for me, just curious. Personally, though I don't like the idea of people walking around the woods with guns that haven't had some sort of formal training/instruction, or haven't been doing it for a very long time.

    I've run into a couple of these people and have actually been shot at, accidentally, by some idiot plinking away without knowing his backdrop.B|


  6. Oh ok. I can't say I've ever heard that before, in my class or out, but I'll take your word for it.

    Hey what's the deal with Hunter Safety courses these days? I heard that they will not give "any one, regardless of age" a hunting liscense anymore unless they either 1. Had a liscense previous to the new regs. or 2. Have taken a hunting safety course. Is this true? (Seems like a pretty good idea to me.) Of course I live in Washington so maybe it's different here than other states.


  7. Whatever you do, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, buy a jeep. They are just about the most unreliable SUV there is. Yep, they are awsome in the snow, dirt, mud, whatever but once you get about 100,000 miles forget it. It's all down hill from there. I'm speaking from experience. I made the mistake of owning a '87 Jeep Cherokee and then my brother made the same mistake with his '98 Grand Cherokee. Don't Do It! Get a Subaru. The boxer engine in those things will last just about forever with very few problems.

  8. Quote

    I think you'll be extremely hard pressed to find a family living in America today that lives 100% on the food they kill with guns. Its way easier to raise your own animials and kill them then it is to go hunt for them.

    Ever been to Alaska? I know a bunch of people up there that fall under this description.;)

  9. Quote

    I don't know of a lot of brakelines that can't accept being shortend by 3 inches just by re-doing the fingertrap at the toggle attachment point.

    No-one. Just throwing out a What If scenario to the above statement.;)

  10. I'm no expert but....

    What if the brake lines are already on the point of deflecting the tail. At this point wouldn't it be better to lengthen the risers in order to get more out of the control inputs than shorten the brake lines thereby deflecting the tail even further?

    Just a thought.:)


  11. Quote

    “This is not fair to our police, fire and first aid squads,” she said.
    "the police received countless reports of parachutists falling from the sky without parachutes opening. Further police investigation indicated that the parachutists primary chutes did not deploy and the jumpers had opened secondary chutes."

    ROTFL, well maybe if the townfolk didn't freak out and took the time to learn a little about the sport they wouldn't have this problem.;)