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Posts posted by base689

  1. Hello there.
    My 2 friends, who are Phoenix-Fly wingsuit coaches, asked me to translate from Italian into English the text they have already got on a stamp to be printed on students's logbook once they have successfully passed their wingsuit course.
    I translated it at the best of my knowledge, but I would appreciate if you could revise/correct the following text as if yourself would use it on a stamp for a US run wingsuit course
    Thanks so much
    Best Regards

    The candidate has successfully passed the Phoenix-Fly First Jump Course, has proved to have learned the basics of safety with a beginner level wingsuit and has learned notions about the usage of intermediate level wingsuits.
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  2. Quote

    ...but I suspect there might be some Euro dislike of the American vehicle as well

    Ah, ah, ah: sorry, that cannot be true :)A european bloke (who is driving his car nighttime), noticing a car coming from opposite direction, whose low/high beam is WAY TOO HIGH, simply CANNOT distinguish if:
    1) the too strong light beam is coming from a US vehicle (which is slightly higher than standard european car)
    2) the too strong light beam is coming from a not-properly-selected-not-properly-installed after market xenon kit
    They have NOTHING personal on you, US bloke :)They are "simply" annoyed by a too strong light beam.
    Think the following: if I am driving nighttime and from opposite direction I notice a couple of too strong lighe beams (and such a notice/disturbance lasts for only 2-3-4 seconds): I CANNOT guess what is behind those "too strong light beams" :)
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  3. Quote


    They keep the high beam on to "protest" on you because they think that your "high beam" (which may be not the highest beam) is .
    In my country there is quite a number of cars that have got after-market xenon kits (which produce three times the light of standard low beam and twice the light of high beam) and "some" of this after-market xenon kits are quite , they shoot too high because of a not too professional assembling and/or SIMPLY that xenon kit is unsuitable for THAT reflector.
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  4. Hello Twoply.
    If you have got physical access to said arc, and so, in addition to x and y, you can take also the measurement of s, where s is the length of the arc (see atteached pciture), beyond the web sites suggested by our friends, there is the following (approximate) formula allowing you to easily calculate the radius R:

    R = s / sqrt(24 · (1 - y/s))
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  5. Quote

    Is there any camera that has night vision (green IR video) that is reasonable large to put on a helmet?

    In addition to the AC5XC information I posted above, I want to say the following.
    Depending on the environment you are in and/or what/where you are going to shoot, for my night urban action videos, I ended up using my Sony CX105 (fixed on my helmet with Cookie Liquid Flatlock) used in connection with (you can see it in my pictures above) E52 ACW Petzl Ultra Wide 300 lumen head lamp that I keep "permanently" on my FD.
    Such a head lamp has got a nearly 180° coverage, plus a frontal range of illumination of 60 m, it produces an embarrassingly strong white light all around for a distance in front of you, so that you can use ANY standard videocamera to shhot coluir videos also during night.
    The logic behind using a strong white light illumination for urban night videos is the following.
    Once we do all our preparatory stuff in total darkness, then 5 seconds before the jump of my friend jump I light up my Petzl head lamp does NOT reveal me/us too much in advance with respect to whuffos looking at us fly with an open canopy in urban environment.
    If they are not going to catch us because we are flying nighttime in the urban environment with a parachute, it is no (additional) danger if 5 seconds before the jump I light up a lighthouse on my head to shoot nice videos.
    In fact, they come SUPER night videos coming out in colour B|
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  6. For information: the ACD5XC cames with that strange black trapeze that someway somehow you must adapt to your "connection" system: I did a trapeze hole in the 5mm plexiglass base I made.
    Furthermore, originally there was no thread into that black trapeze: I did a 1/4"-20 UNC female thread into that black trapeze, so that in addition to those velcro straps, I also fixed the AC5XC with a standard 1/4" screw, using also a M6 - 30mm outer diameter washer B|

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  7. Quote

    Is there any camera that has night vision (green IR video) that is reasonable large to put on a helmet?
    Older models is also ok, as I might find a used one.

    For about 145$ I bought Widlife Innovations Vantage AC5XC, which is a 720i lines night camera.
    Yes, it's all plastic.
    Yes, it does not look a incredibly professional videocamera.
    Yes, it's got quite crappy instructions.
    But for 145 $ it's an outstanding night camera.
    It's not written but it works as follows.
    In daytime it works as a standard colour videocamera and shoots nice videos.
    In nighttime, it understands there is no light, it activated its 8 infrared LED's around the lens and starts shooting a monocromatic video (black&white with shades of gray).
    Yes, it is up to 3-5 m away, but for a 145$ night vision videocamera I wouldn't ask for (much) more :)
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  8. Quote

    Does anyone know what the current lead time is on a V4?

    My case (which must NOT be considered "the rule" but still it is what it is) is the following:
    Took the measurements and placed the order at the end of first decade of may 2011.
    Got my V4 at the beginning of 3rd decade of november 2001: about 6.5 months :(
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  9. Quote

    a friend of mine is 4'9 and 90 pounds

    A friend of mine is 45 kg - 99.2 lb - (about) 1.50 m - 4'11" :)Yes , he is an adult male :)He solved buying a custom fit rig (Javelin?); I think he got a Stiletto 97 in there (he has more than 300 skydives now).
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  10. Quote

    Look what happened to Birdman when they started making underwear..

    Actually it is the other way around :P
    At a certain point, Birdman got no more to develop new wingsuits, for a while they kept on manufacturing (and selling) the wingsuits, knowing perfectly well that in a while they would have stopped selling wingsuits: so, using their brand name, they started producing general clothing AT THE SAME time they were keeping on producing and selling wingsuits.
    Nowadays, Birdman sells only general clothing.
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  11. Quote

    Has anybody psycho packed an mPod?

    No, I do a packing which involves 5 layers folded in S-fashion.
    In any case, when you order an mPOD, you have to write the manufaturer, type and size of parachute PLUS the 3 dimensions (width, height and "thickness") of your present POD, and I think the manufacturer does build up an mPOD that, when closed with magnets, has got the exact same dimensions as your original POD.
    The problem is that with normal POD you can deflate parachute "so-and-so" and in any case you start putting folded parachute into the POD and you can continue deflating it with the locking stows kept in position by rubber bands.
    Packing into the mPOD, you MUST deflate the parachute MUCH BETTER because if you don't deflate the parachute the magnets CANNOT keep the lid closed.
    Once you pay attention to deflate your parachute at the best you can, then packing into the mPOD becomes easy again.
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  12. Quote

    The lazybag also has magnets. Only less as its only the line-pocket that uses them.

    It means lazybag has got 8 magnets instead of 12 of mPOD.
    So the weight of lazybag and the weight of mPOD are very, very similar :)
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  13. Quote

    ...In terms of weight, I think the LazyBag is a bit lighter...

    Yes, LazyBag is lighter than mPOD, but only of a very small amount, in a way that you can hardly say "mPOD is heavier that LazyBag".
    I found on eBay neodimium magnet 20x20x3 mm - 9.1 g - 4.2 kg attraction force that "should" be what are used in the mPOD.
    So, an mPOD has got 12 neodimium magnets and so the 12 magnet contribute to increase the weight of the mPOD of: 12 x 9.1 g = 109.2 g, let's say 110 g = 0.11 kg for semplicity.
    So mPOD is 110 g heavier of an (hypotethical) ; for example, a standard POD comes with 4 grommets that weigh (lets' say) 5g/each, that is 20 g total.
    Lazy bag comes with 2 grommets (10 g) plus some "extra" (with respect to standard POD) weight due to the tuck tabs, how much? 10 g? This makes 20 g heavier with respect to a .
    So, in the end, when our PC at terminal has got a pulling force of 20 kg to 30 kg (to extract pin and lift bag with canopy inside), pulling an extra weight of 90 g = 0.09 kg is simply a neglectable issue :)Just my 0.02 €
    P.S.: Yes, I have got an mPOD of which I am very happy about B| first times jolly difficult :( to close mPOD down (completely deflate parachute etc etc and keep first 8 magnets in position etc etc) but after alittle bit of practice, it makes packing into the mPOD quite pleasant and a won challenge :)
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  14. Try SUPER - Simplified Universal Player Encoder and Renderer :)IMHO, SUPER is the best freeware video/audio converter around ;)

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  15. Yes, indeed, I got:

    (6x^4 + 5x^3 + 3x - 5) / (3x^2 - 2x) = 2x^2 + 3x + 2 + (7x - 5)/(3x^2-2x)
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  16. > I know a few people who went out and bought a Ducati as their first motorcycle
    The big advantage of motorcycle versus wingsuit is that if you buy a Ducati 999 as your first motorbike, you CAN go slowly.
    Yes, if you turn the handle a bit too much, you're dead, but it is YOUR choice and nobody can compell you too accelerate too much in the beginnings.
    Wingsuit: you CANNOT go slowly, once you donned a large wingsuit, there is only a limited range of speed at which you can fly it (I don't thing you buy a V2/V3 to fly at an arch, and even so, it is NOT so easy to keep an arch with those wingsuits).
    Yes, I do agree that there must be a suitable progression when upsizing the performance of a wingsuit.
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  17. OK, Giselle.
    Let's make clear one point: you have NEVER flown a wingsuit.
    So you cannot imagine how tiring it is to "keep" the wingsuit in shape and in the right position to get to best flight/best efficiency.
    The bigger the wingsuit = the higher the human effort to just simply "keep it"
    At the end of the day, after 3 wingsuit skydives with my Phonenix V2, I am really tired (OK, I am old :P but anyway...), being V2 quite a "big" wingsuit that requires quite an effort to keep it there (yes, if you "fly" the wingsuit with an arch, you don't get tired but you don't so much forward too, so, if you want to fly, you MUST keep your muscles tight to keep the position).
    If you manufacture a hypotethical wingsuit just slightly bigger/wider that the biggest wingsuit of these days, no man can keep it.
    Man hasn't got the physical strenght to fly a BIG wingsuit.
    Full stop ;)
    And if you start adding frames to your "wingsuit"; I am afraid that's not anymore a wingsuit, rather a hangglider, perhaps small, perhaps fast, but still a hangglider it is :D
    What Yves has done is really FANTASTIC but I am afraid to confess you that tht's NOT a wingsuit but something that has invented few years ago: a jet powered aircraft B|B|B|
    Is it small? Yes, but it still is a (very) rigid frame with proper rigid wings.
    Can it go up? Yes indeed, it's got 4 jet engines.
    does ti required some physical strength? Very little indeed: it has to be designed in a way that the center of gravity (of the overall system, man included) is on the vertical of centre of pressure (of the overall system) which is generated by the lift, so any small movement of the body (hanged/attached to the small aircraft) can cause the small jet powered aircraft to pitch down, to pitch up, to turn right, to turn left.
    Human body has "only" the physical strength to the most perofmrnat wingsuit on the market today: forget to manufacture ANYTHING that the man underneath moves his arms and automatically move the wings and he can fly UP.
    This is NOT going to happen for the next 1000 years.
    Then, if you think to manufacture (and use) something what Yves did, fine, I would like to fly myself too, but that would NOT be a wingsuit rather a small jet powered aircraft ;)
    Visa, a fininsh bloke, couple of years ago, managed to get 2 jet engines attached to his boots and during a wingsuit skydive (but launched by a balloon) he succeeded to fly HORIZONTAL for a while: from here I can easily see that with a bit more power by the jets, you can go (slightly) up, but then the problem becomes the endurance of such a flight, because the jets consumes a LOT of fuel and it is NOT easy toget all that fuel ON YOU :P
    Yes, Visa can go up (probably he already did it) but with JETS, and NOT waving his arms inserted into the arm-wings of his wingsuit.
    From now on: I will keep on flying my wingsuit at the best I can, I will try to improve as much as I can, and if one day someone will come up with "something" that can fly up, sure I will do it B|B|B|
    Just my 0.02 €
    P.S.: I forgot to mentuion to Giselle that, among all these nice things of fluying up and making wingsuits bigger and bigger, stil there is left the small detail that at the end of the story (or the end of the flight, which is more appropriate) we must open up our parachutes: the bigger the wingsuit, the more diffuclt is to grab the handle and open: on my about 10th flgiht with my V2, it itook me 800 m to get my parachute open: yes, I was the ass, yes, it was jolly cold and I wore gloves, yes, I got some armwing cloth between my hand and my handle, yes, I revised the whole procedure of (grabbing and) pulling the handle.
    Stil remains the that the bigger the wingsuit is, the more difficult is to save your life trying to reach the handle, grab it it and throw it :P

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  18. > sayed BUFFER OVERLOAD...
    Been there, seen that.
    It happened to me as well.
    The problem is a crappy MS. Mine was 16 GB marked Sony (bought on eBay but MY FAULT I didn't keep the receipt...).
    It was indeed a real 16 GB memory stick but so SLOW in recording data that pictures could barely recorded onto MS but video (which continuously sends a video-audio stream of about 2.5 MB/s) cannot be recorded onto such a crappy MS and so videocamera protests saying buffer overload.
    It has been manufactured with memory cells that are REALLY LOW to record data onto (so much below industry specification for that kind of memory).
    I bought a REAL Sony 16 GB MS (in a physicxal shop) and now everything works smooth.
    For the moment, switch to record (video and pictures) onto internal memory.
    Then go the shop and give then back your crappy MS and get another one, a GOOD one this time :)

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  19. I don't know about GoPro, but I recently bought a CX105E meant to be used with my Z1.
    For the purpose of using it (=CX105E) for skydiving, I bought camera cage + liquid flatlock + adaptor: in the picture you can see the result after a good alignment (while aligning it, I used CX105E "AS IS" (without any wideangle) for more accuracy; however, imagine to see it in a ready-to-jump configuration with attached an Opteka 0.3X lens :P ).
    Once in postion, the camera itself it's so in the rear part of the helmet that the visor can be lifted up, not as much as you would without camera cage but definitely enough to have a clear view.
    Hope it helps.

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  20. I' ve bought an Opteka 0.3X for my CX105.
    In video modo, everything is fine.
    In camera mode, I can see a all around (actually it's the sun hood but at the moment I ahdn't got any screwdriver to remove it: I don't know if, once sunhood removed, there is not any more ).
    1) I bought Opteka 0.3X for shooting video, and so whenever shooting videos I haven't got
    2) whenever "on the ground" using wideangle to take pictures, I slightly zoom in until I clear the .
    In the end, it's a 100 $ lens and for its cost, the 0.3X does do its job quite well indeed B|

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  21. > as Trunk suggests, you well may have a counterfeit card
    It's NOT that I "may have" a countefeit card, I DO have a counterfeit card :P
    Once in a bigstore before Xmas, I just found out a 16 GB MS PRO DUO MAGIC GATE on the shelf at a good price (75 €), I bought it, the writings on the back were different (from my counterfeit one).
    Once inserted into my CX105E, everything went smooth: first of all, at power on I don't get anymore the message "Recording video onto MS could be not possible", and now I can shoot HD video and pictures very cleanly.
    Thanks everybody for the advices :)

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -

  22. I have just got a brand new CX-105E (should be the European model for CX-100) and an original Sony MS PRO DUO MARK2 16 GB.
    I set the recording of videos and pictures onto MS: every time I powered videocamera on, on the display it showed for few seconds in my language a message that in English could sound something like: "Recording could be impossible to be done onto memory stick"
    I thought it was just a "pain in the ass message".
    Once I really started to shoot video (onto MS), after few seconds of shooting, CX-105E stopped recording, it paused for few seconds (while the MS logo was blinking) with the "overflaw fail" (or similar message) and then stopped recording.
    Re-recorded video and re-stopped with same message.
    Then I swap to record video onto internal 8 GB memory and it recorded videos prefectly.
    Onto MS there were 3 videos, tried to play them onto my netbook Asus EEE PC 1000H, they are videos of few seconds of duration, few seconds of video and then freezed (but I think because of limited computing capability of my netbook, I'll try witgh my Quad CPU desktop this evening).
    1) what's wrong with recording videos onto MS? By the way, from Sony website it results that MS PRO DUO MARK2 memory stick can record with minimum 4 MB/s speed, while the recording of AVCHD videos happens at something lower than 3 MB/s (on average)(at maximum definition), so (if MS card is ) MS PRO DUO MARK2 is perfectly capable of withstand the AVCHD video recording.
    2) Is my original Sony MS defective? Is there a test of writing speed I can execute to see if it is OK or defective?
    3) hints?
    Thanks :)
    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 -