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  1. G-Day, We're setting up a new editing system at Australia's largest SkyDive centre. Just wondern if any other editing gurus out there have much experience in regards to the Vasst S pro plug-in in regards to large scale authoring of skyydive video & DvD burning (individual customised dvds not simply cloned dvds) It's great that Vegas allows multiple instances open at once which allows us to render multiple veg. files at one... problem comes in with the VASST S plug-in. It won't retain information typed into the address folder and file name. eg. in the DvD Assistant tab & Editing tab.. So if I close veg. files I've prepared for the day I loose all info.. not cool :( so to overcome this I have 20+ instances of Vegas open on the windows task bar.. not very professional but is getting us through .... I'm sure such a fix isn't too much to ask from the Vasst teams programming gurus... here's a couple of things for a VASST Wish List they may not have conjured up yet ... 1. EDIT TAB: Image Sequence .. ability to change photo resolution within the Edit tab. 2. Photo grab within the Loop Region Any feedback would be really appreciated ENJOY