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Posts posted by dcfreefly

  1. Quote

    Dude, freeflying is almost effortless with the right technique..
    It's not your core strength, it's technique... get more jumps in and more experience, and you'll see for yourself.

    Don't forget to have fun!



    Core strength and flexibility can have a direct effect on your technique.

  2. Quote


    You have to remember that the guy giving you all his crap might have less jumps than you or only a few more.If you do better than him he looses face and his self imposed hero status. Come to our DZ and you get on a load without the egos.

    Thank Lekstrom. What DZ? B|

    Yeah def no egos, and chances are lekstrom will even give you a big fat smooch in FF :ph34r:

  3. Quote

    And I'm certain you've never asked anyone to burn a CD or DVD of any sort for you and never accepted a mixed "tape"

    Yes I have, back when I was a shit head.

    Buy the DVD's dude, they are well worth the coin

  4. So pretty much you're asking people to infringe on someone else's intellectual property rights by burning some DVD's and selling them to you at a reduced cost?

    I seriously hope no one considers helping this dude steal someone else's IP.

  5. Quote

    It is really quite simple. One has evidence of being correct and the others think they are correct. To put it another way, the others claim evidence of being correct and only one thinks it is correct.

    Exactly. Xenu, our galactic ruler will be returning soon. I saw the evidence on the cover of da tabloids.

  6. Quote

    It takes faith to believe in God and that he knows what actions we are going to take and such. If I don't have faith I do not grow in my understanding of him. it takes faith to believe that God knows what is best and knows what will happen. Believing in that alone requires faith/strong belief etc w/w

    Ok, so which god exactly did you put your faith into, and why is he the one true god and not one of the other thousands of gods? What would be the difference between you and your true god and someone who believes in Zues or Atlantis as the one true god? If faith alone is good enough for your god to be true, isn't it good enough for them also? If you try to say zues and atlas are ridiculous examples (they are no more ridiculous than any gods which are believed in today) then what about the Muslim god?

  7. Quote

    Anti-theists all believe the Universe was created from nothing

    No they don't. This is something that many religious people use in arguments regarding the origins of the universe. I agree that the idea of "nothing" could just be that, an idea. And what you suggest removes the necessity of a "creator".

  8. Quote

    Bolas, I'm agnostic and of your thinking as well, but religion doesn't kill people. Bad people kill people. What I was refering to was athiests who claim that just because religion is irrational and make-believe, that it has no value. My sister's religious, has one biological child, one Ethiopian adopted child, and is leaving for Etheopia next summer to do missionary work.

    Religion doesn't make people adopt children and do good things. Good people just do good things.

    And regarding your statement about religion not killing people, there are several religions that promote killing people for several different reasons. In any case that a person was killed because it was promoted by religion, had that religion not existed or the individual who did the killing not practiced the killing, it would not have happened. Umm, so yes, religion does kill people.

    I don't think a group of people would have flown a couple of planes into buildings killing themselves and thousands of others just because they were bad people.

    Bad people do bad things. It takes religion to make good people do bad things.

  9. Quote

    For those who understand the message of the Bible

    Ok, so which message exactly? The one that says I should kill my children if they misbehave? Or the one that tells me the appropriatE way to beat my slaves?

    I know where you're coming from because I was pretty much indoctrinated at a young age and believed the same nonsense. I think one of the reasons it took me so long to realize just how ridiculous the idea of a omnipotent magical sky daddy is, was because of the built in guilt for questioning it. Everytime I would start to use reason and logic to evaluate, the voice of guilt would quickly cause me to stop in my tracks and not finish the thought process.

    Finally one day I said fuck it and realized that if my beliefs were in fact true, than that's where reason and logic would lead me.

    It took about 3 minutes to consciously drop the ridiculous beliefs after actually thinking it through.

    Have you thought it through, or is that guilt stopping you in your tracks the second you even think about investigating the possibility that your beliefs may not have any validity.

    Have you read any of the four horsemens material (dawkins, hitchens, dennet and Harris? Have you watched zeitgeist or religulous?

    Start with the god delusion from dawkins if you haven't and chances are you'll be questioning your beliefs and on the pathway to freeing your mind.

    The natural universe is so much more amazing that the way it's depicted in religious fairytales.