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Everything posted by friis

  1. [url][url]
  2. Now I see it, Thanx. I'm not gonna try it. I have never seen anybody do this. Strange that Icarus show it on their web page?! ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  3. I have already done more than 700 psychopacks on my old Crossfire and Safire, and it works great, but if You look at the pictures on Psychopacking the Safire on Icarus' webpage, then the pictures (3-6) form the FX packing method are not shown. ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  4. Next week I'll be recieving my new EXTreme FX canpy, and therefore I have been looking for information on how to psychopack it. On Icarus' webpage there is a guide: But what's happening on picture 3-6? If You have some other hints on getting the best openings on an FX, please let me know. ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  5. Thanx for all the advice. BTW, Im buying a 200D Camera with a 18-55 mm lens for 810$, not a 10D house for 1500$ ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  6. I would like to know if anyone knows this lens: Russian Zenitar 16mm f/2.8 Fisheye There is a review on this page It's only 150$! Does anybody have skydiving experience with this lens? ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  7. Great picture What is the exact name of your Sigma 15 mm Fish Eye lens, and how much does such a lens app. cost? ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  8. I am considering to buy a Canon EOS 300D (Digital Rebel), because I found it on the net for only 669$ (any lower??) !!! on But I also need a lens for the camera, which one should I buy? I am going to use the camera for freeflying. I know that there is a difference in lences for normal SLR cameras and digital SLR, what exactly is the difference? Which SLR lens is the same as my 0.42 wide angle camcorder lens? In general please tell me something about lenses, I'm new in this game ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  9. If You are doing headdown, the air arround the waist is very tourbulent, and therefore it is not a good place to pup the ProTrack. ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  10. My Xfire was not on the recall list. I also psycho pack, and the opening has become better. Have You experienced, that the of-heading openings have resulted in lige twists? ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  11. I always leave the nose exposed. I'll try to show somone video of my openings, Thanx ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  12. Recently I purchased a Crossfire 1, and I have made about 25 jumps on it. But I have a little problem with the openings. I know that openings are very long on Crossfires, and I like it, but the problem is that it does not open on heading. The problem occurs just after the slider has come down, and the last cells inflate. The canopy then takes a hard turn to the right, because the two cells to the right inflated last. Is this normal? If not what can I do to avoid it? ------------------------------------------------ Benjamin - Denmark
  13. friis

    Aerograd Kolomna

    I've just returned from a 10 days skydive trip to Kolomna, and it has been a true fairytale. I made 84 6$-jumps from the Mi-8 helicopter. Nice and friendly people, good atmosphere, fifty-fifty freefly-RW, good and cheep food and next year there will be a windtunnel at the DZ. This DZ is indeed a perfect 10!!
  14. I´m about to buy my second rig. I would like to know what canopy I schould buy. I have app. 250 jumps and since my 50th jump I´ve jumped a Falcon 195. I would like a new canopy, and I´ve tried the PdF Electra 170 and it´s not a problem to land and control it. I would like to try the Electra 150, but there aren´t anyone who has got ont that I can try. Also I would like to try a Safire, but I haven´t had the cahnce. What size would be right for me? I would like to have a canopy which I´m not going to downsize in a long time. My weight is 200 lb. with clothes.