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Posts posted by Tetrahedron

  1. He probably pulled the "small one", which is called the drogue chute, while you weren't in a stable, belly to earth position.

    It's a minor accident that inexperienced tandem instructors sometimes make.
    Hundreds of jumps is relatively inexperienced.

    It sounds like he followed his training and went straight for the backup parachute.
    If he had deployed the main parachute, it could have gotten a lot more serious.

    Take the free jump and just enjoy it.
    The chances of anything like that happening again are extremely small.

  2. Krip

    Anyone remember Mr Bill Booths opposition to lowering the tandem age to 16.
    And the reason why.

    I haven't been at a dz in a long time but when you see one acting out of character, there could be some reasons for that.

    Do they alway chew gum.
    Are their pupils dilated
    Do they attended safety briefing in the parking lot 20 minutes after ever hr.
    Is his nose always running.

    Otoh it could be someting as simple of a prescribed med dosage either up or down and his system hasn't adjusted yet.

    I've seen plenty of "adults" show up drunk, stoned or otherwise unfit to go on a tandem skydive.

    16 year olds, occompanied by their parents are a lot less likely to be under the influence of anything.

    But, this is a discussion for another thread.

  3. IMHO, Precision makes the best RDSs.
    I have them on three of my rigs for going on five years now.
    Quick to release and quick to reattach.

    Of course, the d-bad/pc lanyard doesn't have to be used.

  4. People out here have been taking the GoPro chest mount and removing the straps.
    Then you just drill holes and use screws, or rivet the chest plate to the front of the helmet.
    It works very well, you can get it really low and out of the way.

    Make sure your DZs editing software can handle GoPro video files.

  5. Most people have never seen those kinds of connectors and in a smoke-filled cabin, having to find and unfasten two of them can eat up valuable time.

    I've never seen those kinds of connectors anywhere, except tandem skydiving gear.

    Even if you explain to them how they work, the crash could cause them to not remember any of it.

    They do know how ordinary seatbelt buckles work.


    I think that the odds are in our favor, but I also believe that the correct answer is to have a seatbelt for each person. Although I have done about 800 tandems in New Zealand, non of which had even one seatbelt in the plane.
    Sometimes my briefing includes, " I have your harness connected to the parachute and my harness is seat-belted to the airplane so if we crash on take off please disconnect my seat belt and drag my body out of the fire, and I will try to do the same for you."

    That sounds completely irresponsible.
    What if they can't drag your lifeless body out of the plane?
    They get to burn with your remains?

    That's the whole point of this thread.
    Each person should have their own seatbelt and you should NOT connect the passenger harness to the parachute until you are at a safe jump attitude.

    Sure, the chances of surviving a plane crash are slim, but why deny your passenger that slim chance of survival?

  7. stayhigh

    Is it a some what normal appearance over time???

    Not talking about not being cocked.
    I'm talking about bridal hitching on drogue or straight sniveling drogue.

    and has anyone taken that configuration beyond 20+ seconds??

    It happened to me once.

    We exited and I deployed the drogue. I felt we were still accelerating.
    When I looked up, the drogue was not inflating.
    I pulled the drogue release after about 8 seconds.
    It was a long, cold ride down.

    Soon as we landed, I checked the drogue and it was fine.

    I doubt the packer would have forgotten to cock the drogue on a Sigma, but our packers are rather sloppy when stowing the drogue.

  8. uberchris

    ******what is everyones problem with someone going out and spending all their money on a new rig. now he has it, and can go spend all his time jumping if he wants to.

    Do you have any idea how idiotic that statement is??

    How can he spend all his time jumping, when he just spent all his money on a brand new rig, that he can't even jump yet??

    hey, pipe down
    i just bought a 1200 cc ducati, and though i just passed my MSF course and have been dirt biking a few times, i have it, and thats all that matters. take a fuckin quaalude and relax guy

    Did I say anything about motorcycles?
    But while we're on the subject...
    I hope you're an organ donor.

  9. uberchris

    what is everyones problem with someone going out and spending all their money on a new rig. now he has it, and can go spend all his time jumping if he wants to.

    Do you have any idea how idiotic that statement is??

    How can he spend all his time jumping, when he just spent all his money on a brand new rig, that he can't even jump yet??

    Fatalities and serious injuries always begin with bad choices. Usually it's hard to tell when people are making bad choices.
    Here, it's blindingly obvious.

  10. GooniesKid

    ******Do you know of a technique where you dont have to roll the nose? For me I try to keep the rolls to a minimum just to keep the material in place.

    Are you thinking of the tail...? The standard pro pack does not contemplate rolling the nose at all.

    sorry,yes, meant the tail

    I hardly roll the tail on tandems. If I do, it's only high up at the lines.