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  1. Well, I got my first taste of flying today at Skyventure Orlando. It was AMAZING!!! I had an awesome instructor and had a GREAT time! Will return many more times for sure. Thanks for the flight Kevin! Chris
  2. Thanks to everyone! I've gotten in touch with someone on here that has multiple MC-4 rigs that is willing to help me out..so soon enough, I'll be out there! CAN'T WAIT!!!! Thanks again!!!
  3. I would consider anything to get in the air. The only reason I was thinking AFF was because, from what I've read and what I've been told from a school, was that if I decided I wanted to take this further and make this a regular sport, then I'd have to do AFF anyway to get certified. So, I figured I'll start with AFF and then, if I want to stick with it I've already got my first jump out of the way and won't have to pay for the "extra" first jump as tandem/static line.
  4. I knew it would probably cost me a little more...(my wife's less than thrilled with the idea to begin with)..but I've wanted to do this for the longest time. WHEN I do it, I want to do it right. I know it's going to take some time. Thanks alot!! Can a tandem rig hold me or do you think I'm going to have to do the custom rig and all before I even jump?
  5. Thanks for your replies!
  6. Sorry...just trying to follow what the first response from the other post suggested..The one on General discussions was deleted...
  7. Hi all. I'm trying to get into this awesome sport and I can't find anyone in FL willing to teach me to skydive. I'm 5'11" and 275lbs. I'm in pretty good physical condition and by no means a 'fat' 275. I just can't find a school that is willing to teach me because of my weight. I'm not sure if it's a legal issue, safety issue, or any combination of the two. Any direction is very much appreciated. Thanks, Chris
  8. Hey, I'm new to this forum and am trying to get into this sport. I'm 5'11" and weigh 275lbs. I'm by no means a fat 275. I'm in fairly good shape, but I can't seem to find anywhere in FL that will teach me to skydive because of my weight. Is there a place anyone knows of that is willing to teach me? Thanks for your help!