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  1. Thanks mad john for the offer and I will definitely keep it in mind! You are all offering excellent advice and I appreciate the time and your opinions that you are providing. I am beginning to consider just letting the cards fall where they like and hopefully the weather permits and Urban is able to open the Eugene area back up for students by March. I am for sure going to jump a couple times while I am home either way. Thank you all again! Josh
  2. You have a very valid point. My thought is that if I compelte the Class A, when I return a few months later I can begin jumping immediately with a coach to ensure I am still squared away. This will allow me to get in more jumps before winter sets in and the opportunities to jump are fewer. The following year I can have a solid spring/summer/fall season of jumping. Does this seem rational to you? Thank you for the input, Josh
  3. Amazon, I was thinking about Eloy too for that very reason...thanks for the advice!
  4. I would like to earn my Class A license sometime between 17-31 March while I am home on R&R from my deployment. I have limited time and would like to maximize time spent in Oregon with family/friends but still complete the AFF course, 15 days total. Is it realistic to complete an A license in 5 days or so? If so, does anybody have any DZ recommendations in the Sacramento, CA, Eugene, OR or Seattle, WA areas that would be able to accommodate my goal? I am considering Lake Elsinore, Skydance and Eugene Skydivers so far. Weather is probably going to be a major factor which may drive me further south than I'd prefer to go, like Elsinore. But, they come highly recommended by my military buddies and their weather may be more cooperative. Thanks for any input... "The Ignorant Newbie"