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Everything posted by DROPdiva

  1. Thanks for your advice. Reading your post made me excited for what is to come, and all of the new experiences and knowledge that comes with those. I was at my DZ today to try and get another couple of jumps in, but the winds were too strong. Today I was less apprehensive about jumping though, most of me was actually excited, and part of me was dissapointed after sticking it out for 6 hours and not getting to jump. I'll be back in 3 days though, so I hope having 5 days in between jumps doesn't let the nerves creep back in too too much. LOL.
  2. Thanks skymama. My apprehension is with wondering how my mind and body would react in the event of a malfunction, and if it would register with me right away. I am trying to go over and over the pull sequence in the event of one in hopes of training my movement memory into reacting right away. Any thought's on this? thanks again for taking your time to respond.
  3. Thanks for your advice bluetwo, and sharing some of your recent experience. It's nice to hear about other student's stories who are going through similar experiences to me. I know this is something I not only want to do, but to enjoy for many years to come, so I think/hope I'm on the right track. I just keep asking tons of questions at my DZ from both my instructors and from fellow students. Nobody seems to mind my inquisitive nature which is great.
  4. Hello all! I am a new PFF student and just completed my first 3 jumps yesterday. I did my first tandem last summer. My first jump I was extremely nervous because I realized it was up to me to jump from the plane. None the less, I got through the first 3 jumps, each one was only slightly easier in terms of nerves. Yet last night after the day was over I started to question everything about why I made the decision to start jumping in the first place. Ever since my first tandem almost a year ago I have done nothing but dream of one day flying in the sky like so many of you are doing. I am now extremely nervous though, and questioning whether I will be able to handle jumping entirely on my own without instructors on my side. I will be jumping another few times tomorrow as well. I have talked to a lot of people who have gone though the PFF/AFF program and they all seemed to be so calm and collected about it. Is this normal for me to be freaking out and questioning my capabilities? Canopy control and knowing if or when I have a main malfunction is also stressing me out a bit. Any help/advice, or even just personal experiences would be great. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my giant vent session.