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Posts posted by Freeflaw

  1. I second that opinion. Just made the switch from the Epicene (150) to the WinX (150). My WinX is full ZP so it makes my comparing of the two canopies somewhat unfair. Judging from this frame of reference however, I much prefer my WinX. The WinX seems a bit more touchy yaw wise during opening but outshines the Epicene in every other aspect (besides maybe packing when you get it in full ZP).

  2. When shit goes south, no one ever thinks, I wish I had smaller parachute right now. As to the light weight fabric concern, PN9 (which I believe the OPs are constructed out of, but I may be full of ka ka) has been field tested in the base environment for many years, with canopies seeing many hundreds (some as much as 800+) of terminal jumps. As to openings, I (anecdotal evidence) have not noticed much of a difference between the PDR and OP in terms of opening speed (14 chops on various sizes of OPs and PDRs). What is the claimed difference here anyway?

  3. It's fucking stupid, but I have been running a cruise+ with a Leia 86 and 79 (no issues at all). Openings are perfect. Good luck, your canopy might come back for a hug though.

    p.s. my wingsuit rig is a freepacked 200sqft with a 36 F111 as I got sick of chopping my storm 150 at a 1.3.

  4. I own a C2 and have flown an A2 proto. The C2 is less work. The A2 had an incredible pop but was also heavier on the arms. I got my A2 today. I shall put some jumps on it and report back. What are you trying to do? The C2 is a really great package.

  5. I own both the C2 and the Scorpion. The C2 is an awesome wing. Fast, agile, intuitive, light on the arms, good flare and incredibly stable in a dive. It reminds me of a P2 in some ways? The C2 has many attributes of the Scorpion but its smoother around the edges...less twitchy still very quick to turn. An incredibly well balanced wing (not the fastest by any means nor the suit with the most range). The Scorpion made ws skydiving fun for me. The C2 continues to keep me interested.

    own: V4, V5, V5R, Venom Power, Aura, C1, C2, Scorpion, (A2 on way)
    owned: P2, S-bird
    flown: A2, Jedei2, r-bird

  6. When I first got interested in tracking, I remember reading that RW jumpers recommended to de-arch and cup as much air as possible at break off (ride the beach ball) rather than dive and pull up out of a track.

    One thing I have noticed from tracking in base (ceteris paribus)...the flatter the exit and the more de-arched the body the better the distance. It is fun to dive and swoop, but it does not produce the same distance. How that translates to a terminal environment, I don't know. I used to think that a steep angle at first was beneficial (airflow vertical, and high angle of attack = stall). Experience has not panned out in favor of that argument.

    The pressurized kids did some wind tunnel tests. The highest angle of attack that they tested (30ish% to the relative airlfow) was the most efficient. Part of the drag apparently also ended up acting as lift (don't ask me how or why, that's just what I was told in conversation with one of the dudes).

    On the other hand, in their tube3 demo video of brento they recommend diving a little before flattening out...this may be a trick to tame the suit instead of the most efficient technique for distance. If you have flown the tube3 you know why youd want to tame that beast.

    The human body is a pretty shitty airfoil (very low aspect ratio) and probably has quite a long recovery arc. The best trackers I have seen, leave flat and are extremely de-arched (like a canopy in deep breaks?)

    just some thoughts.

  7. man/woman up and just deal with an instructor that you might not like. After all you are there to skydive, not to make friends with your instructor.

    My advice would be. Shut the fuck up and don't try to impress your instructor with the stuff you have learned on your own. Listen and just do as you are told. You'll be of the leash soon enough.

    Also...its not a roller coaster ride. If you fuck up, you will die. Your instructors job is to teach you how to survive, not to entertain you. If you and your instructor click on a personal level, then that is a plus.

    You can of course always try a different DZ and see whether you can find an instructor that you like. Id rather have a brutally honest and abrasive dick as an instructor than a nice moron.

  8. also...the quality is fucking shit. Both my zippers (where the main lift web comes out of the suit) are shredded. I have maybe 10 jumps on the suit (7 base). I saw that one coming though. Def sending Tony an email. The cruise is much more sturdy.

  9. I haven't made it to Brento yet, but I have put some basejumps on it as I am currently in LB. I am breaking all of last years benchmarks easily. What used to be a 5-10 sec canopy ride is now 30-40 sec canopy ride (with the same distance tracked), and I am uncurrent as hell and my subterminal track has completely degenerated over the last 6 months of not jumping. This suit will turn any idiot into a great tracker. The problem is...its kinda cheating.