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Everything posted by jengre

  1. domain is expired. Out of business?
  2. I screamed the whole freefall on my first tandem. No problem breathing at all. The nice thing is, you can't really scream out for a solid minute, so you breathe in despite yourself. But your mouth will get pretty dry. :) I also like to believe that my TI didn't hear me screaming the entire time. Don't anyone burst my coolness bubble, please.
  3. Hey there -- I'm in Oregon... also waiting for the spring to do AFF. Welcome!
  4. I did two tandems in August--fell madly in love. Can't think about anything else, constantly looking up at the sky, boring anyone who'll listen, etc. I'm waiting until spring for AFF. I live in the Pacific NW, where the weather starts sucking in October and doesn't let up until June. I want as many jumps as possible under my belt before I start working around the weather 90% of the time. Muscle memory is my friend.
  5. Boy, can I relate to the first part of your post! Made a tandem 2 weeks ago, couldn't get it out of my mind, made another one last week... now I'm signed up for AFF. What is it about this that grabs you and won't let go? Not that I mind, but my thoughts used to be my own... Can't wait to be in your shoes, working on the jumps!