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Posts posted by travelguru

  1. I have to agree that this is very simple. Keep your wing closed. Its the same as when you do a RW jump you don't jump up.

    This should be taught to all jumpers.

    I have ask for for details on the 11 tail strikes last year a few times now and have yet to see anything. I wish USPA would share. If we can identify a commonality then we may be able to find a solution. Either way the solution should come in part form the WS community. I personal believe in self regulation at the DZ level. I have seen it work very well at a few drop zones. When the wingsuiters and the DZO are on the same page it works.

    Its sad to hear that a DZO is just going to say no to wingsuits. With the right culture wingsuits can operate safely at almost any dropzones. (maybe even at ocenside some day Rich)

  2. This may be off topic but I think a lot more important that some political back and forth.
    Why is it that there is a tail strike every 27 days from a wing suit and there is nothing out there about them. I would say USPA and Wing Suit flyers are failing community as a whole. SHAME on both groups. Which I am a member of both groups.
    As for a DZO not reporting it is another story but at least that one I can understand. They are driven by protecting their own interests more than others (which is sad).
    Without the details about each strike. How can WE as a group educate and make informed decisions. Knowledge is power.

    As for the coach rating in my view it doesn't matter unless the DZs are going to stop people who should not be jumping a suit. (i.e. no training and not enough jumps). The same goes for people who should not be swooping. I am not advocating for either of these.

    This can also be enforced for our community. I just was at a boogie and a number of people who had planned to WS had not completed a course yet. There was someone at the bogie who is well known for being a great coach and is identified as such by one of the manufacturers. He was offering coaching and FFC. In the group I was with we told the new jumper (with 5 WS jumps) that he would not be flying with us unless he did the FFC. He did it and learned a lot. In another group this did not happen and the jumper did a jump for the first time without a FFC. He did okay and in the end many of the other wingsuiters went up and talked to him and his group about it.

    For those who say self-policing does not work go visit a DZ in central California and see it in action.

  3. Quote

    Already been a fatality due to a bridle/GoPro snag during a BASE jump. And recently at Lost Prairie, there was a fatality involving a low time jumper using a camera.

    >"Oooohhh but it so small and cute and I love the photo's of myself"!

    I think one thing to keep in mind is that, historically, the risk of distraction with small cameras is a far higher risk than the risk of snags (although both are, of course, issues.)

    How exactly did the LP fatality result from a GoPro? Do you know for sure it was a low time jumper?