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Posts posted by slcooper

  1. Quote



    So, who was at fault? Him, for not treating me as an equal and share our domestic responsibilities so that I have time to want sex? Or me, for not being superhuman and fulfilling all of my “good wife” duties?

    Like everything else in the world, there is no one thing or one person at fault.

    While I agree partially with:

    Him, for not treating me as an equal and share our domestic responsibilities so that I have time to want sex?

    This one is way off:

    Or me, for not being superhuman and fulfilling all of my “good wife” duties.

    I'd say more it was partially your fault for putting up with that sort of behavior. While it's understandable why you thought you should, you didn't have to do any of that if you didn't feel it was reciprocated or appreciated. If you didn't want to argue about all of those tasks, you could just say that you were going to get a maid, gardner, chef, etc. and you two could split the costs so you'd both have more free time. If he balked, propose to split the jobs with him.

    For a big dork, you speak awefuly intelligent sometimes ;) ...

    All kidding aside, yes ... I believe it is my fault for putting up with it for way too long. I loved him and I thought that only if I could do more and work harder, maybe ... just maybe ... he'd love me back (and one day will show it.)

    I did get tired of arguing about sharing the tasks after a while. I recall his reaction when I created this simple spreadsheet - it had my name, his name and a list of domestic tasks ... we put check marks under who does what ... he is a venture capitalis/banker so I thought he'll understand numbers more than anything.

    I had 27 tasks I did on regular basis ... he had 1 (taking the trash out) ... and he'd only do it if I reminded him 20 times, which means I was still managing it.

    Oh ... the joys of being maried ... all this talk makes me appreciate being single. The sad part about life is that by the time we've learned all of our lessons, we're old ... and we die ...


    Didn't you live together before you got married?
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  2. Quote


    Practiced sit flying on a couple jumps now that I've got FF friendly rig and did a couple of awesome 4-way chick jumps. We've dubbed ourselves team 4SJV. Bonus points if you can figure out what it means.:P

    4 Silly Jumping Virgins???
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  3. Quote

    It varies by department, but most cops make fun of other cops who write silly tickets. If I took the time to write a ticket, you either had two or more things wrong or you were a jerk. For simple stuff, run the license and tell them to fix it. Of course, one day the license came back to a murderer from Texas. I would have let him go otherwise. :)

    If that is the case, I bet the cop who wrote me a ticket for running a stop sign in the mall parking lot last month caught hell for it :D
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  4. Quote

    so this is what i ahve been doing the last 45 minutes!

    Searching for a good picture.. and then i came up with the words..

    Now its hanging on my wall behind my desk! B|:)

    That's nice until the next time you call in sick and they come out to the DZ looking for you ;)
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  5. Quote


    [It's not about cleaning the house, it's about going out of your way to do something she clearly understands you are doing especially for her.

    Oh yeah....NO! DON'T DO THAT!
    Ever hear of that guy Pavlov? DON'T DO THAT!
    She, your better half, should give you loving because she loves you. Not because she is getting something speical or you did something special.

    And that's the "talk" I had. I simply said, "you love me? then love me. If not then well hay we had a good run let's move on with our lives."

    Let me know how that turns out for ya
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  6. Quote


    The asian guy is or looks very much like the guy in the new movie the Goods.

    I cant wait to see that movie.

    Oh and until the guy said vagina I tought they were in a gay club.

    X 2
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  7. Quote

    If a guy has to clean to get laid then he is doing some thing wrong (in the sack). If he does clean and is still not getting laid then his cleaning skills are severely lacking as well. :D

    EXACTLY!!!!! :D:D:D
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  8. Quote


    Hmmmm, you must have a silver tongue cause I don't think I could pull that one off. Instead I would have tried rubbing her feet/shoulders, ask her about her day and just listen, tell her she is beautiful, send her a random txt just to let her know you are thinking about her, wear her favorite cologne to bed, ect. If you got favorable results with your method, more power to you, to each his own.

    I don't wish to sound rude but in my 32 years I've learned that women like men who are men. Yes they do wish for all the nice romantic stuff but in the end they just want a guy who will look them square in the eyes and tell them the gods honest truth.

    And I sat her down, looked her square in the eyes and told her how I felt. That I had no issues with cleaning the house and making dinner while she was taking night classes and working towards her degree. After all, I lived there as well and I actually like cooking. But that I felt that she was not showing me the love that I needed and if it continued then perhaps it was best if we called it quits.

    As one gorgeous girl once told me, “There is nothing more sexy than a guy who looks me square in the eyes, treats me as an equal, gives me the respect he would expect to receive then politely asks me to get him a beer.” Yes lots of contractions in that sentence and I don’t claim to fully understand it but I think she was saying that she wished to be taken seriously and at her word but she also wishes to be helpful when she can.

    So maybe the article needs to reworded to say "Cleaning house together.....leads to good sex?"

    It's not about cleaning the house, it's about going out of your way to do something she clearly understands you are doing especially for her. That makes a woman feel special. When women feel special they get happy and horney, it's a wonderful thing. You should try it, I promise it works :)
    If that's not being a real man I'm fine with it, you go be a real man and keep complaining about not getting enough sex.
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  9. Quote


    i call bs. i do almost all of the housework and childcare around here and it isn't helping me get laid.

    This very issue almost led to us getting a divorce.
    I don't mind cleaning the house and making dinner while she is at university. It's just a part of being a good husband. But she wasn't doing her part of being a good wife and showing me how thankful she was.
    But we had a frank discussion a few months back and well now she gets it.

    Hmmmm, you must have a silver tongue cause I don't think I could pull that one off. Instead I would have tried rubbing her feet/shoulders, ask her about her day and just listen, tell her she is beautiful, send her a random txt just to let her know you are thinking about her, wear her favorite cologne to bed, ect. If you got favorable results with your method, more power to you, to each his own.
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  10. Quote

    at work i walk around acting like im under canopy and visualizing flaring.. i cant wait for saturday!!! :D:ph34r:

    As long as you are only visualizing! Have fun Saturday, I won't be out there until next weekend. This weekend is kids weekend.
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  11. Quote



    One guy that left our DZ last year had around 1500 jumps when he was let go. Here on, he's got more than 4000 jumps only 18 months later.:D

    I know a guy who went from Gold Wings (1000 jumps) to over 2000 in only 6 months, and that was with his rig in the closet.:D A jumper from his old DZ wondered where he really got the first 1000.:| I really hate those kind of BS'ers.>:(

    isnt there like a, well, real well known guy around here!? i think he did step back tough after he got called out on it.. :D

    thats the good thing with us (honest) lowtimers, we add every fucking jump to our profile.. :D:D:D

    It goes something like this, jump, land, drop parachute in the packing room, log onto, +1 to the jump profile, grab another parachute, repeat B|
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  12. "She can be hoisted up on the washer, with the heat soon warming her buttocks, increasing blood flow and sensations to her groin.

    Lovers can let the washer be their guide, making their actions in sync with the washer’s rhythm, getting faster and faster with its motions. Things only get wilder as the spin cycle kicks into high gear…"

    DAYUMMMMM!!!!! Fox news is really spicing things up!
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

  13. Quote

    try the singles group at church.... ?

    I half expected you to say around Catholic High Schools. But ok....ok....not a bad idea!

    Or you could just hang out in the parking lot at the women's prison on release day and offer the cute ones rides ;)
    Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!