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Dropzone Reviews posted by ihazkittehz

  1. I was in Chicago for a weekend, and I wanted to try out a dropzone in the area. Since I was only there for one day, and I'm still a very new jumper I didn't expect people to really include me, but that couldn't have been further from the truth. Andy, the load organizer, sought me out and put me on some great dives that were just at the edge of my comfort level. After each one he gave me a couple pointers - it was great to have him investing some time in me, even though I was just visiting. The Otter was in for repair, so we were in the PAC (my first time in that plane) - the ride to altitude was super quick. The landing area is small, but it is surrounded by open fields, and there is a separate swoop lane.

    I left with a really good impression of the dropzone, and would recommend it to anyone in the Chicago area.