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Everything posted by JohnnyScience

  1. Ok some good advice and some wanna be funny guys in here. All of my money is focused on getting this website together right now, but I want to plan for something over the next few weeks to a month or two. Def while its still nice and sunny here in cleveland. I found a local DZ Rates: AFF: 339 USD S/L: 199 USD Tandem: 239 USD Video: 79 USD Jump Ticket: 22 USD to 13000 ft What does all of that mean? What is AFF, S/L & a jump ticket? Are those fees I pay every time? What fees should I expect to pay my first time and then the next few times after that? Also, how do I assign myself to my local DZ here on so that it comes up for me everytime I go to my DZ?
  2. I feel that coming to DZ and posting on the forums is a great way for me to do the research. I ask questions. I get answers and pointed in the right direction and read. I'm familar with forums and how a search function works. Are you familar with how question and answers on a public forum works? No doubt you will see the same topic over and over if you are a regular on a forum. Its bound to happen. Be happy I'm intersted in the sport and taking the right steps to find out how to achieve it.
  3. Yeah no rush really, I want to do it right. I just need to get my feet wet. I dont like heights, in fact I'm deathly afraid of them... but for some reason i dont think I am going to mind sky diving. I just dont like being by the edge or something. I assume this A licnese is what certifies me? How long is it good for? Does it cost anything/require a test to get the actual license itself?
  4. Thats honestly not bad I guess. I was thinking its like 200 each jump for some reason. I suppose I should plan on spending around 3-400 for a full day of 10 jumps and equipment and training for the first few sessions?
  5. So how does the pricing work out in the begining when first signing up? I assume the first several times are more expensive because of training But how do you afford 10 jumps in a day? How much is the 1st jump normally for the day and then how much is every jump after that for the day usually?
  6. The reefs are nothing more than a fish toilet. Seriously though you didn't fill out your profile with a location. Do you live near a large body of water that you can get to everyday after work, every weekend or several times a month? Or will you be one of those divers that just gets the rating to go to dive resorts a couple of times a year? Those make the worst divers. You got to be current! Same thing applies to being a skydiver, exact same thing. GRR :D Right now I live in cleveland. If this website venture goes well, I will be moving. I'm not sure where yet though. I'm only gonna be a tropical diver, so I wont be able to go everyday by any means. But I'd like to do it at least a few times a year. Sure I can sky dive any where much easier, but wingsuiting is going to take a special place with mountains and valleys, so I'll be traveling either way. Honestly when I plan the trips, i would like to make sure I can both scuba & wingsuit on a single trip/vacation. It all starts with money. I hope the website works.
  7. Allow me to quote Tupac Shakur: "Work is fo suckas." All the cool kids start wingsuit at 120 jumps. The even cooler kids start wingsuit at 120 jumps AND do it solo without a first flight course. I guess the question is "How cool do you want to be?" I dont want to rush anything and not be safe. But if you can wingsuit at 120 then thats even better! You're right, if there are doubts, then it wont happen. I'm not saying I cant do it... just what are the steps needed in order to really accomplished it? Cant you do multiple jumps in a day? Doesnt it get cheaper and cheaper per jump the more and more you do it? I will for sure still do scuba. I love the reefs more than anything. I should be able to do both some day with out half assing either one... which I would never do for many reasons. I do need to get out there and just start jumping. Hopefully over the next couple of months. I'm making some moves to try and start up a website. And if it goes well, I will be able to do both scuba and sky diving easily :D
  8. I've recently just seen a video on wingsuits. Amazing. I've never wanted to fly/skydive/paraglide more in my life than after seeing a video of wingsuits. Now I really want to make a real effort on this. I want to scuba and wingsuit. I want those to be two of my main hobbies in life. I realize this is going to be a very expensive life long hobby if you do it. I understand you need the proper training as your life is in your hands and its nothing to cut short. But it just seems like such a far off goal. I mean its ten's of thousands of dollars for all of the gear needed. Its tens of thousands of dollars for the training and all of the jumps. And to get to 2-500 jumps seems like it would take 5 years before you hit that number. How can one afford to jump 200 jumps in 18 months? I mean... that is a god awful amount of money.