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Gear Reviews posted by shamusfastfall

  1. This is my 6th new rig and my 4th brand of rig. I have been very happy with production time and quality. I dealt with a dealer so I cant speak for their customer service. My dealer was awesome. The ballistic material is great looking and seem very strong. The colors are spot on compared to the website designer. It is the most comfortable rid I've owned and fits me perfectly. I only have 2 complaints and both of them are minor. The first is that the silver of the harness and the silver of the risers is very different in color and the dive loops on the front risers could be larger and more open. I bought an I1 and would expect that it would have better dive loops. I'm sure they will be fine once I get used to them but just a minor inconvenience. I would highly recommend the container

  2. Love this thing. I have a 79 at 3:1 wing loading. Super light riser pressure, great dive, excellant recovery arc. I can fly with saber 2 170 with some rears and then let up and I'm gone. Absolutely Awesome