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Gear Reviews posted by lowapproach

  1. I ordered a new MXV from Cookie using their 'Build-it' link on the website. I went with Cookie based on others recommendations for their helmets as well as their customer service.

    The build-it feature worked great, allowing me to select my camera (Sony CX-100), add a Hypeye, cutaway, etc. The cost was expensive, but overall worth it.

    While I would still recommend the helmet, it was not without many frustrations with respect to customer service. I ended up getting the helmet months after ordering it and additional work was needed in order to get the correct size.

    The challenge I had with Cookie, other than shipping the incorrect size (mistakes happen) is that they repeatedly misrepresented delivery times and that they had shipped items when they had not.

    Would I buy the helmet again? Probably. Does the company need to make some changes to meet their growth? Definitely.

    If you want the specific details about my experience, including the unedited email between myself and Cookie, PM me and I will be happy to send to you.

    Once you get the helmet, you will like it.