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Posts posted by IMALSUTIGERFAN

  1. Quote

    Also, if someone can put me in touch with a person who organizes this sort of thing as we have a beautiful winery dropzone here in Australia and would love to get something like this happening here. I mean, A winery with a international concert stage, a massive cask hall and planes and a swoop lake. Perfect place to set up one of these types of events for the Asia and Australasia jumpers. Please get in touch if you are the type of person who can help in making something like this happen in Australia as we would like to make it happen. We have an Australian skydiving forum that would also et behind it.

    Now that would really twist my arm to get me and my wife to take that long flight, skydiving and a winary..pre reg us nowB|

  2. Just another statment from beginner who knows nothing:)
    I usually do my first jump of the day and pull high. This allows me to practice my landing pattern up high and to help figure out my distance runs and ground point referances. Not sure if this is a correct to try figure out my accuracy but it has help me a great deal.

  3. While I don't have my accuracy down yet, only 19 jumps, My coach at my drop zone has been teaching me this method, I have been landing within 12 ft of my target. Accuracy is something I really want to perfect. I am amazed by the guys who pilot their chutes to a dot on the ground....One day I WILL be there...Thanks

  4. I was on solo status and on vacation in Co., I called and spoke to the DZ and they said as long as brought my signed log book and did not mind jumping with a coach they would allow me. So I went and spent a hour in the tunnel than went and spent the next day skydiving. The DZ (mile-high) was so friendly and helpful to me and my lack of knowledge. :)

  5. Quote

    Do your homework and let us know which direction you take.

    OK after doing some homework and riding a few differant canopy's I just bought my new rig, ended up with a wings container with a Spectra 7 cell 230. I really loved the soft openings of this unit. and I find the flare at landing great, nothing but tip toe landings with it.

  6. I rode bulls for several years, I can still remember the first time a bull knocked me out cold. I was bruised and brok ribs. This kept me off of bulls for 8 months. When I was cleared to ride again I was scared for my life. The first time I tried to ride, I was on the back of the bull and the fear was over whelming I actually got off the bull. My father came over and made me get back on, I can still remember the words. "If you do not do this, you will regret it forever" And with a few encouraging words I was back up and riding again.

    So what I am saying, is that you have to get back on that plane and jump at least one more time, and after that you will have to ask yourself if it was worth the ride.

  7. Quote


    thing is they both have a calender at home counting down till there 18th birthday.

    With such supportive parents, you'd think they'd be counting down to their 16th birthday.

    One of my sons had to repeat 8th grade this year, he had a late birthday already, so now he will be 18 in 11th grade... I told him to look at the brightside , you will be the shit since you will be skydiving

  8. I must be lucky, for the 2 drop zones I have been to the people have been extremely friendly...when in Cannon Co they all were helpful and friendly...but being from the deep South we don't normaly have trouble making friends...and at my home DZ "Gold Coast Skydiving" all the experianced jumpers have no trouble making you feel right at home. And the staff will take a quiet newbie and pull him into the group by making him part of the in no time you have a good group of friends

  9. Quote is an accuracy-event, targeted at sub-250 jumpers, coupled with a canopy-class; they'll film each and every landing of the participants and debrief them all after the jump. very good idea and a fun thing! of course, there are many good prices to win as well, from t-shirts, to shorts, camera-mounts, vouchers for rigs and jumpsuits..thanks charly for doing this! :)

    This may be the excuse I needed to make a road trip....OK a plane trip