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Everything posted by Jinx77

  1. I'm not sure, I think it's a combination of looking straight down and not at a 45 degree angle and also having goggles that are not very clear. Don't seem to be able to judge correctly. Next time a friend of mine said I can use his goggles, and I'll make an effort to look up more, so we'll see if that makes a difference. Any advice for me?
  2. Hi All, I started my AFF course 2 weeks ago. Was supposed to only do 1 jump and ended up doing 4 over the weekend!! This is definitely my new addiction. I love the thrill and exhiliration of free falling and the the awe-inspiring power of piloting my chute in. I haven't yet landed on my feet, but I'll get there :) I really like the people I've met so far, and look forward to meeting more from all over the world. Yours in flight, Jinx77