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Posts posted by iwo

  1. Quote


    I think it's funny that everyone wants to bash the Argus and Vigil but conviently forgets that the Cypres had a known problem that wasn't corrected until after someone died from it.

    No one is forgetting the swooping accident. The thing is that was not an error *in the system*... It operated within it's parameters, period. It is not the fault of the CYPRES unit that the operational parameters were met AFTER the parachute was opened.

    The Vigil did the same thing (fired when parameters were met). You may not LIKE the parameters, but that is different than a malfunction of this type.

    So you could lump the Vigil and the CYPRES into the "I don't like the parameters that it works" And that would be fine.

    But the Argus is creating a situation where it does not work properly. Worse, in some rigs it locks the reserve closed.

    I didn't buy a Vigil based on the door issues. I didn't buy an Argus based on the groundings in Europe. I don't fly a 69sqft canopy anymore so I could easily live within the parameters of the CYPRES... so I bought a CYPRES.

    Well, you cannot compare this who things.. why? Cause one is caused by the user, and other can be caused by someone else.

    Yes they both fired when parameters were met but you really can't compare them and dump it in the same basket.

    If I buy A car, and MF says if you drive it more then 200mph your brakes will fail, and later added 250mph version, I'd be ok with that.

    But if I buy B car, and MF says if you drive it and a kid in the back opens window your steering wheel will brake, and on top of that says they are aware but ok with that... well I really can't be ok with that.

  2. First it was 200 bucks, then 250, and now i finally getting around to order it, guess what its 370. I know I am from Europe and taxes and shipping cost some, but that's just crazy.

    I don't wanna sound like I'm bitching, but I am B|

  3. It depends if its second model or the first.

    Cypres 2:
    Lifetime Warranty Period: 12.5 years from date of manufacture.

    Cypres 1:
    Total lifetime 12 years from date of manufacture + 3 months maximum

    So if its second model then it is designed and legal to have it installed 6 months after 12 years, and if its first model then its 3 months.

  4. Quote

    My old phone didn't act up, but my new one does. First time I brought my new phone with me, I followed a cutaway student main&freebag. I thought, "I'll land with it I do have my new, shiny phone with me so I'll just call the DZ and tell them where I am". So I landed, picked up my phone, dialed the number to the manifest and... Nothing. It didn't freeze, it just refused to make the call. Tried a couple of other numbers, same thing. Similar results on a couple of other jumps.

    It's a samsung. Dunno what model.

    Paying the bill might help?! :P

  5. Quote



    HEres the thing. Did you buy he optima 2 with the port that you have to request?
    When a dealer buys an optima 2, they get sent an optima 2, but if they want an optima 2 for the LED they must request it.
    Also it is not waterproof like the standard optima 2.
    So if you just purchased it online, you might want to find out from the gear store before they send it.

    Are you sure about that? Cause mine comes with LED port and it is water resistant.

    To OP: for me is working great. So far reliable, its small, accurate and price is reasonable.

    On top L&B have great costumer service.

    According to Mads at L&B the Optima II with the LED port will be available in January 2010. It will be approximately a $50 option. So I don't think it's available yet. None of our Optima II units we have here have them. The original Optima did, but we've sold out of those. We do have the Optima II with LED port on order.


    Then its just an empty hole [:/]

  6. In some countries its illegal to use term like waterproof, cause they aren't really.

    As long as they are water resistant to survive being in the water. I don't think someone will go diving with it.

  7. Quote

    HEres the thing. Did you buy he optima 2 with the port that you have to request?
    When a dealer buys an optima 2, they get sent an optima 2, but if they want an optima 2 for the LED they must request it.
    Also it is not waterproof like the standard optima 2.
    So if you just purchased it online, you might want to find out from the gear store before they send it.

    Are you sure about that? Cause mine comes with LED port and it is water resistant.

    To OP: for me is working great. So far reliable, its small, accurate and price is reasonable.

    On top L&B have great costumer service.