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Posts posted by fonzi

  1. Quote

    DivX has a couple of settings ... Try fiddling with them and see what happens.

    and that is the point, i read the f**** manual (which is not much by the way) and tried so many times. the best i could achieve was something around 4.3mb for a minute in 300x240

    may i pose the same question to you... any samples around on the web you did?


  2. Quote

    I know everyone out there and their grandmaz too hate Real but we use it for professional production all the time - try that. Or Windoze media...

    the thing is that i do not achieve sizes less than 8mb for a minute of raw (just captured and maybe deinterlaced) mini-dv footage in a format of 300x240.


    MediaCleaner which I thought comes with Premeire should be able to help you out with those two formats...

    i tried and played around checking nearly all possibilities, but the output was not satisfying me at all.

    how big is a minute of mini-dv footage when you guys compress for displaying on the web?

    anyone has got some samples? which url?


  3. hi everybody,

    i started making videos from funjumps and wanted to display them on my website.

    i use a pc6 and capture via firewire with adobe premiere 6.0

    when i export the timeline i want to use divx 5.0.5 (was recommended by some users in a german newsgroup). i read the manual but still have problems.

    my clip is 57 seconds and i thought it must be possible to compress it at a size of 320x240 down to lets say around 3mb.

    either i have a shitty quality or a size of about 15mb in decent quality.

    can any of you guys and gals tell me what is the best method/codec to be used with adobe premiere, in order to compress a minute of captured mini-dv footage to a size of around 3mb for a display of 320x240?

    thanks and

    not very elaborated for the moment, but i am trying hard ;-) ->

  4. hi @ll,

    i searched the web and this forum for a detailed explanation where the phrase "blue skies, black death" originally comes from. unfortunately with no satisfying outcome.

    too many people these days use this phrase without really knowing where it comes from and what its origin is.

    curious about the replies here.


  5. hi @ll,

    i decided to put this in the safety forum, as the technical stuff is done. my camera setup is ready. see the pics attached.

    now i would like to collect as much opinions on "pulling" with the camera on my helmet as possible. i am a very "conservative" skydiver, and despite of asking endless questions to the guys on my dz i would really appreciate to share your experiences.

    - how do i pull in general with a camera attached
    - what is your "head-position" whilest pulling
    - any safety rules you know
    - a.s.o .... i wanna know it all :P



  6. hi all you videots out there :)finally i made a good deal on a sony dcr-pc6. despite of all the input from the videoflyers on our dropzone, i would like to know if any of you could recommend websites which show detailed mounting instructions for a side mount on a mindwarp. i cannot afford to buy a case/box, therefor i tend to mount the cam with an l-bracket.
    any help is highly recommended. beeing a perfectionist i first want to gather as many information as possible, before i start drilling holes in my holy mindwarp :)thx for all the input to come

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  7. sorry, maybe i did not explain it well, i haven't got a crack yet, i just mailed in my poor spanish to the following website admin, in order to tell me more or send me the crack.
    check out this:
    it sais
    Entrada DV : No ( crack gratis)
    (i guess everybody can understand that :)as soon as i get a response i will send you a pm and post the news here in a new thread.

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  8. the offer is to good, it's at the moment only 450$ and i found a website in spain, that offers a crack for the dv-in hackin'
    i think i have to sleep one more night on that subject. :) bsbd,

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  9. just had contact to marc bachmann, maybe you know him, he is the webmaster of the url
    he confirmed that the dv-in is not available and that it really sucks. on the other hand he is jumping a dcr-pc10 and is getting ... let's say ... "a lot more than just decent footage" B| with that cam. so maybe i reconsider and go for it anyway.

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  10. the offer at ebay says "dv in / dv out" and the seller confirmed that via mail.
    i looked all over the web, but did not find any notes from sony or a dealer that will confirming no dv in.
    no dv in not even hackable would definately suck or on the other site be a major argument for lowering the price. on the other hand that would explain, why nobody bit at ebay so far.
    nacmacfeegle, do you know for sure that it cannot be dv in hacked? or do you know a site confirm that?

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  11. Quote

    Canon DV's the image stabilization sucks. I believe it is electronic

    the MVX1i has an optical image stabilisation which is said to be superior to the sonys because of the better lenses.

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  12. i have searched and read a couple of posts about sony vs jvc but not many mentioning the advantages or disadvantages of canon digital video cams.
    there are a couple of nice offers on canons here in europe on
    i've been in some newsgroups and forums for videocams here in germany. the major statement is, that canons have the far better techinical parts inside and that the canon lenses are superior to the sonys
    my question:
    what do you professional guys out there in the us think about canons e.g. the Canon MV *** series. apart of no d-boxes and mounting probs.
    why is the Canon MV - serie so little used in skydiving. have these cams major disadvantages in sykdiving?
    the prices compared to sonys dcr-pc series are nearly 50% less for used cams.
    any and many comments are higly appreciated.

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  13. i have an airgun (czech copy of the mindwarp) and i put my l&b in a little cottonback to which the velcro is sewn. works great, easy to put in and out and you need not glue anything to the pro track.

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  14. Quote

    my helmet weighs 10 lbs. (4.5 kg)...

    well i mine would weigh about 2kg with the cam, that makes less than 50% of yrs and me quite convinced that my neck will stand it ;)
    as i jump a geman "spark 170" from performance variable i do not bother for slow and soft openings at all. several people have jumped my rig and some had already the hands on handles ready to cut and pull reserve. it opens so soft :D and i'm very pleased and used to it.
    oh, i gorgot to ad the weigh of the mounting works to be done (epoxy or bracket or what ever :() but i do not think that i will exceed 2.5kg

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  15. sorry for replying late. has to spend the weekend with the fam.
    another question should be the max weight of the cam. now that i got the cam in hand, i realized, that it has with the battery, 1.1 kg. would that be to much?
    grosfion. i will for sure give ampfing a try this summer. ;-)


    life is to short for the pimp :)

  16. you guys are really great, and therefore i keep asking ;)
    to avoid fluttering you suggest tapeing every tiny whole where air might get in. what about the neopren solution. beeing a scuba diving instructor (retired after 8 years and not diving professionally anymore, just for fun, now i made a kind of 180° turn up, been down enough) i got plenty of neopren in my cellar from old suits. i do no how to get that stuff together in nearly every form, would that be enough or do i need to tape anyway. or what about a condom (thick rubber removeable for the purpose of battery change e.g.) on the whole cam? extra straps are a must, sounds logical to me!
    you are quite right about the professionals in ampfing. unfortunately it is really far from my house, other dzs are much closer. another aspect is that all my mates aren't jumping in ampfing for they feel the atmosphere there quite ... lets say it this way, the guys in ampfing know they are good and may let at feel the newbies. i've never been there but might give it a try.
    on the gear forum i posted a link to do you think the mindwarp copy (click equipment/news) would be good to start with as a helmet? of course lots of modifications must be made, chincup and a platform, but the price is unbeatable. i got a friend who is sailing races, he could do me anything with epoxy (we call it gfk, glass fiber stuff to fix boats) e.g. a topmount platform.

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  17. Quote

    Your gonna have to do a lot of work on that mindwarp copy if your gonna put yor camera on it though....

    as you know from the "video question for the veterans" thread i have to do a lot of work on my skills as well before starting to video-jump ;)

    life is to short for the pimp :)

  18. hi @ll,
    what di you think about this helmet (see pictures)
    it is a replica of the mindwarp from chekoslovakia (?)
    see and click new equipment / news for details
    i do not think anybody has experience with the item, but it looks quite alright.
    is the "heating" of mindwarps to be recomended for perfect fit?

    life is to short for the pimp :)