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  1. Hey can I just remind everybody that I'm not concerned about the money? I am most definitely over it! I appreciate those who offered to send me toggles, I think I should be fine though :) I was simply trying to raise an issue and see what other people thought should be done to prevent shit like this from happening again. I agree, toggles aren't much, but what if it was something bigger? Telling me to "suck it up buttercup" doesn't answer my question..
  2. I guess I can understand why people would confuse what goes with what when making a sale. But looking back, I did ask that it came "reserve freebag/pilot chute, the main d-bag and collapsible pilot chute, and the reserve and cutaway handle". I guess I forgot to mention specifically "toggles". He replied that it was all there. I took that to mean it was a complete. What gets me though, that even though he made the mistake, he wont do anything to rectify it. Ah well, I'm going to see if anybody has a couple sets of toggles kicking around. Morgaine
  3. Hi all - I just got into skydiving last year and am still pretty new to the sport. Luckily I have a good team of riggers and instructors in my circle of friends to back me up. I just recently bought my first set of gear, including a container from the classifieds section of this site. The transaction was mostly successful, except that he didn't include toggles for the main or reserve. From my understanding, these go with a container like a steering wheel goes with a car. When I asked him about them, he said "I dont have them i thought they were in there." So I contacted SunPath and was quoted $68 for both sets, incl shipping. I then asked him to reimburse me for this amount, as they were supposed to be included with the container. To which he replied, "you never asked if they were there though" and refused to reimburse me. I bring you back to my analogy, when buying a used car, am I supposed to ask if it has a steering wheel?! My overall impression of this guy was that he didn't know much about selling skydiving gear, so I even check the stolen gear section just in case. So my question is what would you do in this situation? I'm not so worried about the money, but is there somewhere to report the user so that others can be wary? Thanks, Morgaine