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Dropzone Reviews posted by Titanium_Gecko

  1. I have spent 4 months (Feb-June) jumping at Saumur this year putting in 100 jumps, whilst working in France, and it became a home-from-home! I could not have been made more welcome or made to feel part of numerous families, hence, look forward to going back.
    The DZ is situated just above the town, in the Loire Valley, which is a beautiful part of France. It is a small centre (on a quiet, active, airfield) with a single porter but has a large landing area, friendly to foreigners and welcoming to families. A working knowledge of French to be able to explain yourself is beneficial but some English is understood/spoken. The staff at the centre support students, tandems, freeflying, formation, crew and canopy piloting (with visiting instructors). Wingsuit first flights are also supported via an S-Fly Access Instructor. There is a small portacabin-style bunkhouse, area for carvans and tents, a club house with full kitchen and very small toilet/shower area. A lunchtime shutdown for a cooked meal is part of culture, adding to the relaxed atmosphere, but does not affect jumping speed. I've done so many firsts there this year.
    A massive thanks to everyone!