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Posts posted by pilotsR4pimps

  1. I am planning to get my TI rating this winter, Sigma, and I wasn't sure if they still require a cutaway. I haven't seen it on the progression card. I could always do a intentional before my repack but still want to know. Thanks!!

  2. i figured it out... it's the switch itself. and not the bite part. i plugged it in, and moved the 32" wire around and it would come on and off and if i left in just the right spot it would be fine... this is near the end and the part where it inserts the camera is not moving so it has to be the wire itself... dammit, just got it today.

  3. so now it's working.... but not everytime. It might work for like 30 seconds, everytime i bite/press but then it might just start snapping for like 5 pics, then go back to working properly with the switch. Then it might not work at all. I have it pushed in all the way until it cant go any further. When I rotate the 2.5 jack it beeps from time to time. Very frustrating...

  4. She thinks the world is 10,000 years old and fossils were put here to test our "faith" (a word meaning, The boast of a person who is too lazy to investigate)..... she is nuts... oh and not to mention she has zero problem blowing up wolf pup dens, poisoning their water and authorizing sniping of wolves from helicopters........ fuck her

  5. people are so concerned with the "human" deaths and associations... what about the more important ecological armageddon that is already affecting the area, and it's gonna get worse (you know, the environment and all within it that we require for our own survival).... silly humans and their anthropocentric views

  6. I am leaving. I dont want them taking that money to fund pointless overseas conquests when our roads and bridges are falling apart, education system is a disaster and..... the list can go on and on and on and on

  7. Read Planetary Messenger..... I believe we are all here by CHANCE. There are estimated hundreds of billions stars in our galaxy alone, and an estimated hundreds of billions to TRILLIONs of galaxies in the universe, which by the way we can only observe 4% (based on the theories of how big the universe), all those galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars w/ planets possibly. It is all chance. If we are here by chance then the existence of life is a mathematical probability, and given the fact that most religions state humans as the apex of creation, I personally think it would all fall apart. Here is a cool breakdown:

    For arguments sake, lets imagine that primitive life happens once in the lifetime of a trillion galaxies, and out of those only one in a trillion ever evolves out of its womb planet into a space-faring civilization. In this example then we are still left with an astounding 10 to the par 75 advanced societies - more alien cultures than the number of atoms composing planet Earth! Again, for some perspective on such a gargantuan number, there are more advanced civilizations partying it up around the galaxies than there are atoms in every single grain of sand on all the beaches and deserts in the world, and then some.

  8. Shot two tandems today and, being it is a small DZ, I took everything home to edit video using iMovie and then burn it using iDvd after I created menus and whatnot. For some reason it is taking FOREVER.... over an hour now and it used to burn in 5-15 minutes. Can anybody help. Also, is there a way I can simplify the editing/burning process so I am not spending an hour on each one?

  9. As of October 2009 the Obama Administration is NOT seeking to arrest medical marijuana users in states that authorize it. It was big news 6 months ago. So, if you have a medical marijuana license you CANNOT be arrested, tried, etc. by federal authorities in that state..... about time.

    The Department of Justice released new guidelines addressing the enforcement of marijuana laws and medical marijuana. The guidelines reverse federal policy under the Bush administration by instructing federal officers not to go after marijuana users or suppliers who comply with their states' medical marijuana laws.

  10. yeah. it felt good. like being a part of a community. like the way i feel when i am at DZ with the people i love and trust. But something was missing. I started discovering gaps in the information being presented to me as a christian. I was 6 when I started to understand what was going on as a "believer". I spent my entire life in a "holy ghost" filled church going 4 times a week. I learned a lot. But I always knew something was wrong. Things didn't match up with logic, such as:

    1: What if you are not able to believe in the abrahamic God and messages and rules? What if you are just wired differently and require belief based around unbiased evidence and logic. WHat then? Will I still be sent to hell for exercising free will? I started to realize it was made up.

    2. I started to travel the world in the Navy in 2002 and saw so many cultures with their own creation myths, Gods, afterlives and requirements for such. All radically different although some were along the same lines. I continually started to realize that it was bogus.

    3. I started attending Penn State with a BA in Cultural Anthropology, on my own specializing in religion, and learned deeper the process of evolution and the empirical evidence whether physical, genetic, or embryological and at the same time I saw groups of faith trying to counter it with the "bible" which at the time I supported. I realized that that is not a sufficient form of evidence as it is radically different from the original works. Now we have "intelligent design" which is just another idiot friendly term for creationism. Still very unsupported only by an ancient book that has changed more than we could imagine.

    4. The fact that human beings have been on this planet for 200,000 years with only the last 2.5-3500 years under the belief of a single God. Before that, and still today, it was paganism and before that it was animal/plant spirit worship. It is just an evolved idea used to deny the fact we are responsible for our own actions.

    5. Jesus was a man. Thats it. The pagan practices and rituals were applied to Jesus' life to appease both the pagan and new christian uprising in socialized Europe in the 300's AD. Constantine was smart about this and at the first council of niceaa they picked and chose and created different works to add on to the already confiscated Torah.

    Here is why we created God: the inability to explain phenomena such as natural disasters, death, the night sky, disease, greed, etc. We put God in the gaps of science. Here is the next part, as we discover more and more and learn daily God is being pushed out of our lives. Sure people will hold on to the idea and that will evolve into the next crazy idea but God is being pushed out of the gaps.

    When I left the faith I felt amazing. Highly educated and ready to share my new knowledge with the world. Sadly the people who dont know or understand the advances in science, mathematics, astronomy, history, anthropology and archaeology are the lower class or people who are "too" comfortable in their faith. Claiming faith as there reason for not wanting to learn. But faith is the boast of a man who is too lazy too investigate.

    Now my parents are still in the church but me and my 3 siblings are all agnostic/atheist as we went to college and are continuing to learn as more information comes along.

  11. do you know there have been hundreds of antichrists throughout history.anybody who came up against the version of faith out at that time. people only know what they "believe" in now, which is not a lot as most people dont know how much was created, changed, why, etc. So you're telling me that an invisible in guy in the sky sees everything you do and if you dont believe in him or his son then you go to hell? But he loves you? Come on. It's all based off off pagan myth. It's not logical and it's sadism. This is known and very well supported with evidence (stemming from pagan myth). Remember there are 150 different main religions, christianity having 34,000 denominations/sects, etc. Most christian sects believe in the same shit but many differ drastically. If there were truly one way there would more factual based evidence and less confusion because when one reads the bible today they have no idea what the hell they are reading. There would be one way. Not many. Written by MAN altered throughout time, books/stories added/taken out, and influenced by hundreds of cultures by men with their own political/financial agendas. Learn what you think you believe in and I'll take it seriously. BTW, I was a born again christian for 16 years and pretty adamant about it too. Now I am a cultural Anthropologist specializing in Religion. Trust me, it's not what most people think it is and what happened to the original codes/ethics to live by is just BAD