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Posts posted by skygeek

  1. From what i have seen and read it will pay ntsc or pal and any tv That is the trick turning off the macrovision. Switching between ntsc and pal, then switching back. In the manual it says it will play pal on ntsc or ntsc on a pal set.

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

  2. I just got a Cyberhome dvd chdvd-500 Great dvd. Componet video out optical sound out and easy to hack. Its also Pro-scan as well. I paid a whopping 65 dollars for it. Mp3 svcds region free and you turn off the Macrovision. great unit for the cash.

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

  3. Also if you are looking for a dvd player to play vcd's and svcds i just got a cyberhome dvd player that rocks. I use a progie called VCDeasy to burn mine works great and is free.

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

  4. Tell me this... Would you still jump if it was illegal? Lets take a look at the facts.

    1. Its addictive
    2. Its not cheap by any means.
    3. It is hazardous to your health.
    4. It has ruined lives.
    5. Your Mom doesn't want you to do it.
    6. you have to hang with "bad" people to do it.

    Sounds like a drug to me.....

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

  5. I've got about 100 jumps on my HW 150 loaded at about 1.55:1 and I have loved allof them. It has never treated me wrong. I will agree with all that has been said so far. It is a great canopy for the money. I've also had the joy of flying a h-mod heatwave 150 VERY nice openings almost like a specter. I though it was quite a bit faster than mine and seems to surf farth. I've had several line twists on my canopy and never had one dive on me yet. Each time I was able to kick out while the canopy flew straight and true. I love my heatwave and would not trade it for anything.

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

  6. I got Splinter Cell. Best graphics I've ever seen. Game play is fun and hard enough to keep ya playing. I just love sneaking up on people. I give it a 9/10 great game.

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

  7. Quote

    To clone a kidney, you have to take a human genome, begin its development into an embryo and then supress everything but kidney development. There are no such things as "kidney genes." This is sort of the heart of the issue. Are you OK with taking a blastocyst with the _potential_ of becoming human and causing it to develop into only a kidney, rather than a human?

    Honestly, I would be OK with it if the end result was a Human that no longer had to go in for dialisys twice a week for the rest of there lives.

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

  8. Is the evolution of man predestined? Are we as a species limited to what we can change?

    IMHO I think not.
    Yes it may be messy at first but will the benefits overshadow this?

    I think it goes back to the old saying “You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet”. As we the human race press forward toward mastering our own genetics I think we need to look at the good of man before we apply our moral and religious believes to halting the progress.

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

  9. I just bought a bitchen Kenwood mp3 deck for my car. Man is that thing sweet. Hours of music at perfect quality. And you can devide it by folders so its easy to scroll betwwen songs. $299

    Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.