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  1. i do appreciate everyone that has responded to help me with there opinion.i am not complaining about anyone.i am learning at a small dz and they don't have the student equipment that larger dz have.so,being that i really want to jump the rest of my life i need to get equipment for me to learn on.there has been good info about types of chutes that i should use and my instuctors have verified for me.thank-you. bob
  2. thanks for the tip.i made a note of it to talk about it to my instuctors. bob
  3. for a used complete rig not more than $3,500. my instuctors told my for $5-$6,000 i can get a new complete rig. bob
  4. my instructors are involved in my gear search.i am running everything by them and listening to there advice.i am retired military and for me learning on my own gear just goes hand in hand with my career.i also live 98 miles from the closest dz.i do appreciate all of the advice i am receiving. thank-you.
  5. the student rigs that they have i am to big for .plus i want to train on the rig that i will be using once that i am certified.
  6. i am new to skydiving and i am looking to purchase a completed rig. i am 5'10,225lbs.and 48 yrs old. i will be starting my certification this spring.i want a slow easy ride down,no sport type rig.i appreciate help in this search. thank-you.