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Posts posted by nicekitty

  1. I introduced myself last October and received many helpful tips from many people here when I was struggling on my AFF.....Well I finally Passed my check jump and now officially feel like a Skydiver. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! A long journey but finally got it done. And welcome all of you other new addicts who I saw here. Hope to read your posts and hear about your experiences!

    Blue Skies!

  2. Hey there - Love the username. I started my AFF after about 4 Tandems and am also growing impatient with the weather as I am in Scranton PA. Started my training in October and should have started in July maybe. The cold is stalling the training process but still did a few jumps in the cold. Keep us posted with your traing.


  3. Wow- congrats on completing your AFF. That is awesome. Your advice to arch with the hips is good. I think I am arching with my back so that helps. No wind tunnel near by but I think with all the practice in my livingroom, visualizing and videos I will keep in mind to relax, have fun and always deploy that chute!

  4. Thanks. Its good to know where I am learning is being stuck up for and appreciate your feedback. I think I can think of many excuses as to why I am not Diving perfectly but the best excuse my instructor told me was "You are not a bird, It takes time to fly" Just got to remember to deploy that chute on time!!! Diane

  5. New diver here in Scranton PA and I am stuck at Cat D!! My legs are now too straight and my arch is not as pronounced anymore. I hope it is because i did 4 jumps in 1 weekend and i am not the strongest woman out there. Once I start my turn I lose my form. Could my student Vector be too big?? or was it just my achy muscles telling me to take a break and don't try to rush it. Anyway HELLO ALL and I can't wait to report my progress and read all yours. (I read a lot but don't always reply)