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Dropzone Reviews posted by UliToo

  1. I had been wanting to skydive for many years, and finally took the plunge. It was one of the most rewarding, beautiful, incredible experiences I have ever had.
    The first thing I noticed upon arrival was the friendly and laid back ways of the staff, explaining in detail everything you want to know about jumping out of a plane. No one there made me feel like a newbie, there were no show-offs, everyone is treated with respect.
    What a thrill to get in that plane, climbing to 14,000 feet in just 15 minutes, get strapped to your tandem master, and then.......WHOA! I have imagined what it must feel like, many times, but nothing came close to the actual feeling of sudden rushing wind in your ears and up your nose, lips stuck to your teeth. The feeling of helplessly falling soon disappears as you seem to lay on a cushion of air. (I bought the video so I can relive it any time, and now I can see how totally happy I looked). Once the canopy opened, I had more time to look around me and take in the beautiful sights of a sunny, colorful October day.

    Thank you, Matt, for making this an unforgettable day.

    Thumbs up to you all! You are one hell of a crew!