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Everything posted by belot64f

  1. the fact that its an ERJ 145, lol.....a VERY small overhead bins....hence the wondering of if any rigs will fit with the gear bag overhead
  2. it should meet size and just worried about it FITTING onto an ERJ 145 overhead bin
  3. I'm flying this weekend on an ERJ-145 Regional Jet this weekend, and want to know if my gear will fit in the overhead bin in a duffel bag or gear bag (i have a duffel bag) or just regular "free" rig without a bag under the seat in front of me. Its a Vector 3 V353 for a Sabre2 its a little on the larger side than most "advanced" rigs. Please let me know. Thanks
  4. I'm flying this weekend on an ERJ-145 Regional Jet this weekend, and want to know if my gear will fit in the overhead bin in a duffel bag or gear bag (i have a duffel bag) or just regular "free" rig without a bag under the seat in front of me. Its a Vector 3 V353 for a Sabre2 its a little on the larger side than most "advanced" rigs. Please let me know. Thanks
  5. I was supposed to be in FL jumping with you, but I couldn't go. Now I just wish I said screw my prior commitments and went south for the winter jumping. Blue Skies forever my friend...Blue Skies.