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Gear Reviews posted by dldproductions

  1. First thing first, I'm writing this with a smart phone so sorry for the typos.

    Used this actioncam for a full summer filming tandems ans i've gotta say it's been good to me. With the automatic shutdown option and one touch record, you can go 3/4 of your day with a single battery charge. Generic batteries from china works just as good for a super low price. The problem is the lack of screen to look at the footage. Tried syncing with smart phone but the process is tideous within a busy day at the dropzone. No hypeye conectivity and vey low berp sound makes it impossinle to hear if camera stops filming after opening but with the lock preventing riserslap shutdowns, you can rely on it to be still rolling no matter what happens... I'm hoping all of the cons will be resolve with the liveview remote I just ordered which is a wrist weared lcd screen and controls which should help filming the ground shots and solve the "dude..is the record timer counting?" Reflex on jump run...