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Posts posted by martlet

  1. Quote


    > I have 7 defective guns.

    They won't kill people? Interesting.

    Handguns are designed to kill people. That drives their design. They can be used for other things, of course,

    You lost a word there from the prior citation. He said solely.

    And even your revision is incorrect. The 22s used for competitive shooting are not at all designed with the goal of killing people. My .22 has primary value as a full weight practice pistol.

    I could care less what it was designed for, personally. It's amazing that people assume the right to limit guns using the "saving lives" premise. In the meantime, denying others the right to own and use them as they see fit, harming nobody.

    The crimes committed with guns are already crimes. In most cases, they can be committed with knives, hammers, or or other household implements. You want to save lives? Ban automobiles. Those suckers kill a lot of people. They're also the favorite tool of drunk drivers. If you banned cars, we'd have far fewer drunk drivers.

  2. Quote

    Hey, I was in ZHills for New Years and sometime during the day on New Years Day I ended up with a different altimeter very similar to mine.

    I have (had) a blue Altimaster Galaxy and somehow ended up with a Turquoise Altimaster Galaxy.

    Anyone out there end up with a slightly different altimeter?

    Normiss/TK: There was a kid from the Indiana Group who was renting gear and my stuff was close to his. Anyway to tell if ZHills possibly ended up my altimeter and I ended up with one of the student/rental ones?

    Not that it helps much, but someone in the tent came back with an altimeter they said didn't belong to them but packed on accident and was looking for theirs. Have you called manifest? Maybe they turned it in.

  3. Quote

    No, he didn't do anything to deserve it. I mean he was in office 2-3 weeks before he was nominated.

    Still as others have said it was more a Bush/current US bash than anything.

    And the NPP lost ALL my respect when Yasser Arafat won it in 1994.

    It should be awarded for actions, not for political pandering.

    Still, I liked Obama's speech. He showed massive backbone there.

    11 days.

    The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke.

  4. Quote

    I have a optima audible. I'm looking for a hand mounted jump computer/altimeter. The N3 seem nice but I have never seen one. They both log your jumps with info. ect. Is the N3 easy to read? Also, you have to buy additional software for the altitrack and not for the N3. I'm looking for an opinion from experience with both units.

    It all boils down to preference. I much prefer the AltiTrack. I prefer the analog style face, like the jump replay, etc. For me, the decision isn't even a close one. Others will tell you differently. They're both popular.

  5. I've been using Windows Movie Maker for my videos, since I'm not a pro, just a hobbyist. I just got my Sony CX100 and realize I'll have to move on to something that supports AVCHD. I was going to order Vegas, but started looking around. Top 10 Reviews rates it 6th, with Cyberlink, Corel, Adobe, Magix Movie, and Pinnacle coming in above it.

    Has anyone used these, or is Vegas simply the best option for a PC user?

  6. Does anyone have a full face camera helmet with face shield? Any pictures?

    I'm thinking of upgrading from my GoPro, but like jumping a full face. I've seen quite a few full face camera helmet, but no pictures of them with shields. Is there such a beast?

  7. Quote




    The problem for the sincere Tea Party protesters is the entire movement is conservative organized which. unfortunately completely undermines iits credibility.

    Read enough. Not fact...just opinion.

    Your comprehension of the issue at hand would be greatly improved if you actually read the whole article and thought carefully about the content.

    One does not increase one's comprehension by reading liberal propaganda.

    Cause nobody comprehends as good as a lefty right??:S:S

    Keep your nose in the air shit to yourself. Thinking people do not listen to it anymore anyway

    Perhaps that's why support for the left and their policies has eroded so severely in the past few months.

  8. Quote


    The problem for the sincere Tea Party protesters is the entire movement is conservative organized which. unfortunately completely undermines iits credibility.

    Read enough. Not fact...just opinion.

    Your comprehension of the issue at hand would be greatly improved if you actually read the whole article and thought carefully about the content.

    One does not increase one's comprehension by reading liberal propaganda.

  9. Quote



    . If you are starting on a 190, and buy a container to fit it, you'll be up a creek when you get down to 150 and will be needed to spend more money.


    Most rigs out there that were built for a 190 will hold a 150 just fine.

    Not every jumper is going to want to downsize rapidly. Some people choose to actually learn to fly a canopy at 1.0-ish before going smaller. This process, when done with an eye toward safety and not with an "I'm that fucking good" attitude, will take at least a couple hundred jumps.

    If a newbie can't get 500 jumps out of their first rig, they are either downsizing way too fast or they bought a real P.O.S...

    DAMN!! A voice of reason once again!!

    I bought a used canopy and a new container. I love having fit and comfort of something custom made to me. I've put 150 jumps on my gear this season, with no plans to downsize in the near future.

  10. Quote

    Well it sounds like I'm not alone. Originally I had the straps too loose. I think the fix might be custom gear with wide straps and foam. I will try re-positioning them under canopy. Thanks everyone.

    It's your rig. Your new one should be fine if you did the measurements correctly.

  11. Quote

    I was not at all bitching that I got a response, just asking if he read the post being that he suggested untwisting the break lines when I clearly said that I do that regularly. Thanks for the response.

    Boy you complain a lot. ;)

    When I saw your jitters, I figured you'd be done for the day. Good on you for hopping right back in the saddle. You were a pro. I was impressed.

  12. Quote


    Make some jumps. As you progress through your student program you will see what they are using and be able to ask the instructors/jumpers onsite about what will suit you best.

    Roger! I'll hold off for the altimeter then. But how about the eye protection? Recommendations?

    If I were you, I'd hold off on buying anything yet.

    That being said, I've found those goggles you linked to are great with contacts. I bought mine on ebay, though. I got 3 pair (tinted, amber, and clear) for 15 bucks.