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Posts posted by rpersi

  1. Quote

    I was wondering how BASE canopies/jumpers survive terminal openings when they're freepacked and yet CRW canopies can seriously hurt you at terminal? Is the nose on a BASE canopy not quite the same as a CRW one (although i would have thought it would be due to the desire for quick openings)? Or is it simply that BASE canopies tend to be mainly F111 and that reduces opening shock (?).

    The F111 vs ZP fabric have a lot to do with it. BASE sliders are typically fine hole mesh and most lightnings are the large hole so there is also a small difference there.

    Is there any way to freepack a crw canopy for terminal? (im talking short of modifying the canopy/sticking a bag on it etc.

    I used my Lightning for wingsuiting by putting a regular slider and d-bag on it. The openings were a little brisk but not uncomfortable by any means. Why do you need a CRW canopy for terminal?

  2. A few years ago, two inexperienced guys at my DZ had the same idea with their 9 cells because they fly very similar next two each other. When I say inexperienced, it means no little CRW jumps and formal training. The end result were two cutaways but they were trying to take into a side by side when it imploded. I have done CRW with ellipticals in the form of a stack (not planed) but in your case, get some training and practice under CRW specific canopies first.

  3. Quote

    Ill be at cross keys in 2 weeks.

    The in house rigger at Cross Keys is pretty good at shooting CRW video. He's actually pretty good at a lot of stuff. Pick his brain if you're serious but get some more experience first.

  4. How the night ended was none of the above. My bud actually showed up, we jumped a B, and had a few beers afterward. A good time was had by all.

    As I type this, I realize it is Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to all you M@th3r F#*ker$ out there!


  5. Perfect weather the past five days and my BASE bud had plans the past five nights (girlfriend and new house stuff). The weather is real good for a prime local object and it screams jump me like a hot chick. If he bails again:

    A) Jump anyway by myself (with ground crew)
    B) Invite BlackDeath Kenny along despite my better judgment
    C) Not jump and start drinking
    D) Other (I cannot even imagine the replies I'll get on this option)

  6. Quote



    Imagine someone with zero jumps of any kind properly donning the rig, executing a decent exit, deploying, and flying the wing safely to the ground....reply]

    It was a good concept in the aftermath of the 911 frenzy but there is no way will someone land safely in the cement city wearing one of these rounds. Dummies test jumped these. No takers on a real person to try it out.

    Bullshit. There was at one time video of test jumps of these from a building . Don't remember who or where, but it was a lowish building with a PLF landing on the grass.

    I stand corrected.

  7. Quote

    Imagine someone with zero jumps of any kind properly donning the rig, executing a decent exit, deploying, and flying the wing safely to the ground....reply]

    It was a good concept in the aftermath of the 911 frenzy but there is no way will someone land safely in the cement city wearing one of these rounds. Dummies test jumped these. No takers on a real person to try it out.

  8. At the last Turkey Boogie, I gave a pin check at the exit point and found both her three rings were hooked up wrong. She had been given pin checks throughout the boogie and nobody caught it (probably focusing on the chest strap region too much). I think it was her fifth or sixth jump at that point.

    Just make you the right stuff is being looked over.

  9. Quote

    Dogs, like humans, are highly social animals and this similarity in their overall behavioral pattern accounts for their trainability, playfulness, and ability to fit into human households and social situations. This similarity has earned dogs a unique position in the realm of interspecies relationships. The loyalty and devotion that dogs demonstrate as part of their natural instincts as pack animals closely mimics the human idea of love and friendship, leading many dog owners to view their pets as full-fledged family members. Conversely, dogs seem to view their human companions as members of their pack, and make few, if any, distinctions between their owners and fellow dogs. Dogs fill a variety of roles in human society and are often trained as working dogs. For dogs that do not have traditional jobs, a wide range of dog sports provide the opportunity to exhibit their natural skills. In many countries, the most common and perhaps most important role of dogs is as companions. Dogs have lived with and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the unique sobriquet "man's best friend". Conversely, some cultures consider dogs to be unclean.

    You forgot dogs as cuisine in the Orient!