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Everything posted by astro556

  1. As far as asking if I did anything stupid under canopy or on the ground....No, it was never even brought up. I realize I have little experience to speak from, but I know for a fact that I didn't endanger myself or anyone else. I flew around, made a few turns, practice flares, then started the pattern, and landed away from the main area. No spirals, no near collisions, no crash landings... The course was supposed to be completed in two days. After two jumps, I was exhausted. I wish I could have spaced it out more, to fully take in everything that happened during the freefall. I got so worked up over it I actually started doing worse. I asked about getting a refund, and got a very solid "no!".. There is a sign that says "no refunds - rain checks will be issued". Because I "failed the course", I get neither. I don't quite understand it..But I honestly don't feel like fighting over $200! I think I'm going to wait a while to cool off, then restart the program at another dropzone. Even if it costs more, I'd rather pay for quality instruction that I can control (and have fun with) rather than a discount student mill. P.S. What's wrong with Van Halen??
  2. Sorry for the picture quality... 1-2: 3-4: 5:
  3. I did my first tandem in June - I wanted to learn more about the sport so I signed up on this forum and read a couple books. I never posted anything here because I had practically no experience. If you don't believe me, I'll scan my logbook.
  4. Yea, all of them were with just one instructor... That was the first two jumps, I'll have the other three later, I don't feel like spending all night editing. Luckily I was able to figure out how to land, no radio or ground signaling!
  5. Yea, pilot chute...My attempt at abbreviating.
  6. If it helps, here's the video from jump 1 & 2... Sorry, it's my first attempt at editing.
  7. Hi all, Here's the story: I paid for the AFF course up front, and made five jumps in two days. After the last one, I was advised that I'm "unsafe and a hazard to myself" and would not be allowed to continue. Needless to say, I was a little upset, not to mention the "no refund or raincheck" on the remaining two jumps. Here's a rundown of what happened: - I had two pretty bad exits, the first jump I literally fell off the plane and eventually got stable. The other I hesitated and left the cameraman behind. - The last three jumps I had problems keeping stable, I kept going into a spin, but managed to remain belly to earth. - I was aware of my altitude, and pulled 4/5 times. (the first jump I couldn't find the PC..) - Under canopy I think I did well...Had no problems learning and flying the pattern, and stood up 4/5 landings. - No problem learning/practicing the emergency procedures, or any of the other material... After watching the videos I realize what my problems were - looking down too much, not arching enough, and trying to fight with the wind to stay stable. So, I guess my question is - do you think they were justified in asking me to leave?