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Everything posted by robbielash10

  1. Yea its in Nashua..not to far from me actually 40 mins maybe. Is that just to get used to more freefall? I mostly have my mind set on AFF its just saving up for it thats all. Im working my job right now and doing some odd things here and there. ill get there eventually worse comes to worse i will just save through winter and get in the course next spring...hopefully i will get it this summer tho
  2. Well thanks everyone for the advice. I think ill save up for it..ill work all summer and try to get enough so i can take the course towards the end of summer. Money will be my biggest obstacle. ill try and find other odd jobs here and there..maybe my local dz could use some help. thanks again
  3. yea thats what i think i am going to do. what a reasonable price though for a good aff course. some dzs around here charge like $2350 for A-H and then $1500 for A-E. Also is it likely to fail a jump, or is it easy to go through it without redoing any it true tho you can pack at the dzs for extra money or get free jumps or whatever
  4. Yea thats what i was thinking lol...its just getting the money...i read in another post that packing chutes at a dz could help? lol i guess depends where you go. so if anyone has the hook-ups in the new england area...let me know lol. keep the advice coming....could use quite a bit
  5. Hey to the forums. i have done some reading in the forums and found some helpful advice. i just have a few questions of my own. I went on my first tandem jump yesterday at skdive new england ...instantly fell in love with it. i have wanted to do it since i heard of skydiving lol. Im only 18 but can tell its something i want to pursue. Only problem is money haha, i had to scrape up enough just to get a tandem dive. I have a part time job and its summer so im trying to get as many hours as possible. Whats my best bet. Go through the AFF program, my only concern is should i save up enough just to pay for it all at once or go through it slowly. Any advice would be great. I just want to get going in the right direction. Thanks