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  1. lets get our sexes right here people!! HIM..... HE did this, not ME! hahaha
  2. atcually everyone's advice has been a great help bar yours. You just using a rude approach to help. If you dont like what i am asking then dont continue to read this! Cocheese you are not impressing anyone. I will say you sound a bit guilty at doing this yourself. ie calling me names etc?? you like a mild form of the person who did to to me! Which is kinda weird. Netherless i am very keen to hear people reactions as its not something i have been put in before, plus this way is completly confidential. But alas there is still going to be one smart ally with something stupid to say!!
  3. nice cocheese. You must be one of those fat fucks sitting at home wanking a lot cos you dont get any! You have what is known as small cock syndrome!
  4. after some time to consider, i have a few options; Etiher; 1. Do exactly the same back to him and see how he feels about it. 2. ignore him and let me friends deal with it (if you get my drift) 3. ignore him forever more. delete his number..if i see him on the Dz blank him 4. Scream at him and rant all my feelings, make it clear he is a freak and how if he ever came near me again i would call the police..... 5. Care for him like 100%, understand everything about why he did it, protect him and keep and try to work together to forgive him eventually. ??? I dont really care which one, most votes and im going for it! Thanks guys, your words have meant a lot
  5. cocheese you are a **** ! i ask this forum and get that, what so this is my fault, i asked him to do this to me!! Not only that cos he did this to me im not suited to skydiving! OMG, you know what why did i bother coming on here.
  6. wow...what a helpful responce, i dont need to say my jump numbers, im suited to the sport. I think that responce is pretty hurtful. Im asking my skydiving brothers and sisters because my decision over a so called friend does not mean I am going to give up my life which is skydiving. I am asking because i am in a tricky situation. Maybe you should consider thinking before writing.
  7. im kind of agreeing with ya. How do i do this with him always at the same DZ and he is a very popular guy, big name on the DZ. This might be harder than i think. If he is to go further, say nab my laptop etc, then their's my car my kit etc... i need to keep him sweet, i have no idea what kinda freaks are out there but im so tawn that i think he is such a wonderful guy at the same time, or so i think. it could be nothing or something big...
  8. no the deletion was no accident that was very cleaver and specifically done, certain calls, messages, etc, he knew what he was doing. im so fed up, its just all a mess.
  9. ok both those last two statements makes a lot of sense to me, he has openly agreed to violent reactions, and i just put it down to oh he is a man and trying to look manly in front of me. But...openly agreeing to violence to both sexes which is where i begin to question things. He has the oddest reactions, i was at the time in a state of shock, like i was crying out of control. All he did was violently react, saying things that dont make sense, he actually turned into someone COMPLETLY different, like his reaction was more shocking than the gross act itself. Its weird eh, i am so confused, he is such a nice wonderful guy for years! and then this?? this is why i find it so hard and im trying to hold back my anger over what happened.
  10. no reason as such, we have talked about a whole heap of stuff. Im guessing there was probably stuff he didnt want repeating but i cant imagine what and i would never do that to him anyway. I just feel incrediably cheated and tricked. Its all a bit much sometimes and at the same time i thought he was a great friend, i shared my whole life moments with him. We were probably at our 'closest' when this happened. I feel i should be there for him but yes i am afraid of his aggression. He is so up and down. Im stuck in an awful situation, i wish i knew how to react.
  11. no just my purse, diary and phone. I asked him about my credit card details and he said that would have been too easy.. i forgot to mention that one. Isnt that scary, it would be too easy to steal my credit card details! Man should i even forgive him, or is this one of those unfortunate he is a complete freak moments. I believe in people so much and tried to understand why he would want to do this but i am so angry at the same time. I felt completed grossed out for a while when i first realised, and the fact he has been so aggressive for 2 days now, he seems more relaxed this afternoon but in general he reactions has scared me a little.
  12. no i am female and i he is male! No we are not together and fully aware of this. Yeah people are right saying about a PIN but for someone you have known for years and been trusting in a more friendly way for months, its pretty horrifying to find this out. Plus my diary and purse etc. Man i was in a state of shock. I have tried to be cool and keep him close to find out what else he has of mine or gone through, but the agression is unbearable, talk about a guilt from him. I just have never been in this situation let alone know what to do about it, i have thought about kicking him in the nuts but what would anyone do? Im gutted
  13. had a very trusting friend (opposite sex) in a very friendly relationship.. if you get my drift and found out that person went through my phone, wallet, diary. Messages, call logs were deleted etc. I feel violated and when i approach the subject the person threw massive abuse my way and was very aggressive. I just dont understand why anyone would do this? How would you feel and is it ok to be angry beacuse i feel like I want to scream! How do i deal with this in the future with this person??
  14. do you ever do things at your DZ to make you wanna laugh/cry on the monday at work?? I have done so many of these that I kinda want to erase it and start again... I am having a very bad monday re-capping from the weekend and not feeling my best about my drunken choices I made.....