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Posts posted by bjjman

  1. Those that said 90mph, check your math:

    Assuming the track is 30mi. long (for easy math) your driver has covered 60 miles, the first half in an hour, and the second half in 20 minutes. That's 60 miles in 80 minutes, or 45mph.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  2. The length of the track does not matter.

    The driver averaged 2 minute miles for X miles. After another X miles, the driver needs to have averaged 1 minute miles for 2X miles. Therefore, he needs to do 0 minute miles for the second lap.

    So freakflyer9999 is right.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  3. I wouldn't expect him to explore every religion as that's impossible. Also as a U.S. movie I would expect him to focus on religions that are popular here.

    Too bad they go for the cheap laugh too often. I still look forward to seeing it though. Thanks for updating us.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  4. As someone who's bitter because I've missed the pictures I've got to point out the irony in what you're telling him to do vs. your sig line:


    [The pictures] should be removed. Hopefully he'll sober up before the cut off time to edit.

    And right below that:


    Be yourself!

    Break the rules...laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.


    edited to add smiley
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  5. Quote

    That's rubbish. The Bible absolutely does overlap with science, people simply choose to ignore the fact. Explaining the universe was one of the reasons the Bible was written...

    Sorry God, I didn't realize you were watching the thread. My apologies.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  6. Quote

    Er...I used 'virtually' because I didn't mean 'mutually'.

    Just to be clear:

    Science and religion are virtually exclusive: in other words there's very little, if any, overlap between them.

    If they were mutually exclusive, then there'd be zero overlap - which I don't think is true.

    Got it.

    Though you seem a little confused. If they are mutally exclusive, then only one can be correct, but not the other. It does not quite mean "there'd be zero overlap" as that implies they could coexist.

    You also somewhat contradict yourself in that you imply quite possibly zero overlap ("in other words there's very little, if any, overlap"), and then in the following sentence state "...there'd be zero overlap - which I don't think is true."
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  7. Didn't you hear? The church apologized recently. It's all okay now.

    In all seriousness, I don't see where your point is relevant to mine. I never said the two don't cross paths, I was making the point that they each exist to answer different questions.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  8. Quote

    renting apartments for less than 5-6 hundred a month

    And therein lies the reason for your sweeping generalization about living off $30k/year while having so much extra for savings.

    Your figures are 1/3 of the rent that I'm familiar with. A decent place around me is more like $1500/month. Can you really get a decent place in Dallas for $500/month? That's crazy.

    And no, moving to Dallas is not the answer. For most people that would mean starting over putting them in even more of a bind.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  9. Okay, $2500/month, let's say roughly $1675 after taxes (just ballpark). After rent there's not much left to live on for the rest of the month. How the hell do you plan for that? Not eat? Skip rent? Live by candlelight? Move in with Mom and Dad? That sounds like bad planning to me.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  10. Quote

    science and religion are virtually exclusive.

    If by that you mean mutually exclusive, you are dead wrong. I haven't read this whole thread, but the two exist to answer different questions. One does not negate the other.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  11. Quote



    How is paying the cost of running the country a penalty?

    I never said that; paying taxes is a good thing in that regard. I'm just referring to the portion of taxes that go to help (and therefore encourage) lazy/irresponsible people.

    " ...responsible people should be penalized "

    I think you'll find penalized and penalty share the same root.

    How about the $12BILLION a month in direct costs of a war started under false pretenses and that helps no Americans at all. I'm sure we could do without that.

    You're putting words in my mouth. Go back to your original post that I replied to and you'll see that I was referring to your comment that people with too many houses to count are fair game for taxes, while homeless are not. Never was there discussion between us of "running a country" until you interjected it.

    Likewise, your war example is irrelevant to our specific dialogue. Though I agree, we could do without a war like that.

    As far as penalized and penalty sharing a root, I don't see it; the words don't look similar at all! On a serious note, and off-topic, sharing a root does not necessarily mean two words have similar meanings.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  12. Quote

    I hate plastic! Unfortunately credit has become a way of life, so I have a machine sitting on the counter. The processing company debits my checking account a few hundred dollars a month, and I'm just a small one Cessna 182 DZ. I maintain a land line phone line because of the machine, and pay something like $40 a month if I process nothing, so around $100 a month just to have the machine sitting there. You're not happy about your 3% up-charge, my policy is 5% rounded off. As the guy who has to pay the processing fees, from my preservative when you hand me a credit card you're saying "fuck you," so I simply return the sentiment, in the form of "full price."

    To my knowledge it is not illegal in the state of Kansas to give a cash discount, which by the way you get if you write a check, or even use a debit card (it costs me a flat fee of $.40 to process a debit transaction.)

    No Wal-Mart does not charge you to use your credit card, but I'm not Wal-Mart! Small businesses, with a relative low amount of credit transactions pay the highest fees. Wal-Mart is large enough that I'd imagine they're their own bank/credit processor, so it's apples and oranges.

    I may be a bit old school, I am in my 40s. I feel almost naked if I don't have a little cash in my pocket. It's simply foreign to me, and I'll say stupid when I see people who don't have as much as pocket change, and will use plastic to buy a candy bar.

    Yes, this subject if a pet peeve of mine. Visit the ATM, and carry some good old fashion Cash!!!

    Have a nice day.

    You choose to accept credit cards, and then take it as a "fuck you" when someone uses them. I'd be pissed at people for not using them if I dropped $100/month for one of those machines to sit there.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  13. Quote

    There's nothing wrong with keeping a duplicate, but I've got real issues with keeping a "secret" log for instructors only. Students pay good money and are entitled to an honest and open critique of their performance.

    +1. Anything less is a disservice and is dishonest.

    As far as the yelling thing, that instructor was obviously a moron, but no more so than the instructor that doesn't critique a student when they should.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  14. Quote

    But in civilian jumping, these people are hiring me with good money to teach them to skydive.

    Bingo. I paid good money; and all I got was this lousy logbook with no helpful information.


    So guess what kind of Skydiving Instructor I am?

    Sounds like you're one that writes something worthwhile in logbooks.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  15. Quote

    How is paying the cost of running the country a penalty?

    I never said that; paying taxes is a good thing in that regard. I'm just referring to the portion of taxes that go to help (and therefore encourage) lazy/irresponsible people.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  16. Quote


    6% of the population makes +$150,000 a year and Obama thinks he can stick it to that group? Sounds like most of the people on this thread make millions.

    Since when did paying your way instead of borrowing from your children become having it stuck to you?

    You aren't going to eliminate a $400BILLION deficit by taxing the homeless. OTOH, people with so many homes they can't count them seem fair game to me.

    [sarcasm] Yes, responsible people should be penalized and lazy people should have their hand held by the government. [/sarcasm] By the way, I'm dirt poor, but I look forward to the day I'm rich (a guy can hope, can't he?), and I dread the day I have to care for the careless/lazy/unlucky. (Unlucky people will be fine in due time.)
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

  17. Quote

    Do you have any background in education at all?

    I have no background in education. However, I have been involved in sports my whole life and I have coached. I have been a great athlete (which I believe is 1 part natural talent, and 1 part being coachable) and a great coach. I know I'm a great coach because I have taken people that others have thought of as bench-warmers and made all-stars out of them (not by chance, but by teaching technique).


    The 'good' comments coupled with points to work on for the next jump are basic educational techniques

    Sounds like a great technique; I never said otherwise. HOWEVER, what set me off was this from your post: I go through every part of the skydive and [write] 'good' before everything that was done reasonably well. I don't care if Vince Lombardi told me that, I would tell him he was wrong. (But I would bet my life he wouldn't tell a player he was "good" unless he was.)


    Mindset truly does matter.

    No doubt.

    Maybe I misconstrued my opinion or maybe you read into my post too much, but I agree with most everything you're saying. I am not saying to be harsh on students, I am only saying don't be overly easy either. Be fair. It's a disservice to the student if you exaggerate how well they do something. And that has the potential for disastrous effects in the sky. By the way, I am a student so I'm necessarily right. I'm telling you what we want. If somebody is too sensitive for some constructive criticism, then they don't belong in a sport where they are a danger to others.

    My example for you: On my 1st jump (talk about memory being different from what's on tape!) I forgot my PPs, was told to straighten my legs, didn't have my arms arched up enough, was reminded to check alt. around 6000', and then lost altitude awareness and pulled early (saw a 5 and couldn't tell if I was at 4500' or 5500').

    I was given great constructive criticism on the ground as I was told what went well, bust most time was spent on what I needed to work on, as it should be. It boiled down to relax/take my time. However, once I saw my log book, excited to see what I needed to improve on, all I saw was "good, good, good." Not much help.

    Now that I've gotten this far, I realize maybe I'm being too harsh on my instructors. But that can only be true if most people do far worse than me on their jumps actually making me good compared to what they usually see.
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein