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Posts posted by Toastie

  1. Quote

    Hmmm.... the last time somebody tried to talk to me with a hand covering his mouth, was in high school. I ended up punching him in the mouth, right through his hand. So he got all the cuts on his fingers from his teeth instead of me. :D

    Oh yeah, it was worth the suspension. :P

    Just a story I had to share.

    hahaha nice. :D

  2. Thank you all for your helpfulness. I listened to the link that was posted and it was very helpful having an opinion of an ENT specialist who used to skydive. I also had talked with my doctor about it. Although, I was just curious to know if you can lose your hearing/damage your eardrum without having any pain/discomfort/warning signs. The ENT on the link said you would know when it is not a safe time to jump because you will feel discomfort/pain after jumping, but what if you dont feel any pain, I wonder if you could still do some damage without knowing it. hrmm.. maybe its a stupid question, I guess it all just boils down to boyle's law.:)

  3. Hello all,

    I am an AFF student and I was just wondering how many of you have heard of someone damaging their ear drums from skydiving, or if anyone knows how common it is? I suffered from permanent hearing loss a few years ago (non-skydiving related), just in one of my ears, and am slightly concerned about losing my hearing in my other ear. I was wondering if change in pressure could rupture the eardrum if you have some sort of sinus problem or allergies. I want to save my last ear as much as possible from hearing damage so that I won’t go completely deaf, but don’t want to stop doing things I like to do just because I have this problem. Please let me know what you think. I would also like to know if there is any advice for a newbie skydiver from those who are deaf and/or hard of hearing, it is nice to know that there are others out there like me. Thanks!

  4. Quote

    This was the first time I have jumped in Perris (was there for the P3 Big Way Camp) and stuck well to the middle of the dirt field Saturday so I would have a chance to see the Dust Devils coming. No issues on any landings but saw one person get dropped by a Stealth Devil rolling through the grass landing area.

    Made me nostalgic for Lost Prairie!

    Is that who got picked up in the ambulance? I saw them on the ground but didn't see them fall, I was wondering what had happened.:S

  5. Quote

    Oh, and relaxing. I was a potato chipper! I was never really a turner or a spinner, but boy did I chip!

    Sorry for the lame question, what is a potato chipper? Is it too stiff?? no arch? I think I might be one of those! [:/]

  6. It was my first time to perris skydive as I am new, I bought a Koji shirt and love the design! It is very big and it was very busy there, does anyone know what happened around 3pm? I saw the ambulance picking up someone off the field... I hope they are ok, I over heard that the person dropped like a rock from the sky? does anyone know? It seemed very windy:(

  7. Quote

    ...The only down side is a bit of reluctance to do her needed solos for licensing requirements. And I think nothing but experience will develop the confidence to really nail exits and hop and pops, further canopy experience, etc.

    Why was she reluctant to do her solos? It seems she had more experience than others who are doing AFF.

  8. Quote

    By pull position I mean hand on ripcord and other above head. We have them hold the position and forward-backward, turn, and slide. It really builds their confidence. Many students on AFF do perfect practice pulls and then tend to roll over at pull time.

    ahh yes, instability at pull time is what I am worried about.

  9. Quote

    You have no problems, I am on opposite end of spectrum @ 6.0, 240 lbs. You can get one of those cool small rigs that look like a small daypack.....I carry a rig that looks like an Everest assault. I just got an extra slow fall suit, have yet to try it. W/ my free-fly suit I drop like a rock !

    ahh... it is nice to see people of all shapes and sizes in this sport! :)

  10. hi all,

    I am an AFF student and was thinking about going down to the Perris Valley tunnel to practice my arch and lower body before i move on to the release dives, so that I can work on being more stable & reduce my "stiff-as-a-board" like form in the sky. Just wondering about the Perris Valley indoor tunnel, and if it is a good idea for practicing during AFF training? Does it simulate freefall pretty well & how is it at this particular tunnel? Thanks!:)

  11. Quote

    Most student rigs are too long and wide for you. When you arch, they have 2 points of contact, your shoulders and your butt. Behind your back, 6-8" of gap between you and your gear.:S Also, the width of the rig makes it stick out on both sides of your waist like drag brakes.

    Yea! that's what makes me look like a big blue turtle, I couldn't put my finger on it, but I think that's it. Well, that, the student helmet and the waddle that I have since I am not used to walking with something so heavy on my back with tight straps around my legs...

  12. Thanks for your input Drew,

    you called it... I think I got the smallest rig, and a tight suit, & at times I was also stiff like a board... are you sure you weren't there?? hahaha I am pretty flexible so that should be beneficial later I guess... but for some reason during free fall, my body position is all messed up, I swear I feel like a total spaz, I have no idea what my legs are up to. haha I have issues with the whole lower body positive 45 degree deal. Never realized arching is so difficult. I need work, I hope it gets better...

  13. Hi everyone,

    I am new to skydiving and have just passed AFF2, I didn't really realize/notice or consider myself small until all of my instructors give me this puzzled look when they try to fit me with a rig and a jumpsuit. Is this a problem with skydiving?? it kinda worried me when I see their faces when they ask me my weight. haha I am 5'4'' and about 110-115 lbs I think...definitely over 100lbs. I haven't really weighed myself in a long time. But yea, what are the disadvantages to being small ...or are there any advantages??(crossing fingers) I don't look like an oompa loompa, and its not like I'm out of proportion or anything... Should I consider this to be a big problem? Any input would be appreciated.:|

  14. hi brad,

    nope no gear, I just used theirs, I don't know enough about gear and stuff to have my own, since I am still learning. I think during AFF you have to use their stuff, it is made for students, but maybe I am wrong, you can ask them... Plus as I am noticing with the courses and skydiving in general it seems that everything is sooo expensive.

  15. Hi Everyone! thanks so much for all of your encouraging words and advice! i just passed my AFF2 course like a couple of hours ago! I was so surprised on how fast you go during forward motion! Radio died during landing, but it was soft.. phew! haha so much fun! Hey bradk04! I suggest Skydive San Diego, I like it, such nice people, i don't know about the other ones, I guess you can check them out too, I think there is one other one in San Diego, but I have never been, also in Elsinore and Perris. Hawaii... wow it must be pretty!

  16. Hi taylor,

    I went to Skydive SD. Everyone is so friendly there. I was suprised that it is so hard to convince people to go with me, so I ended up just going alone. But it was soo worth it!! good times.