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Posts posted by djta0707

  1. Its The Farm , you will be greeted with arms wide open. Everyone there is friendly. If you have never been there before you will have met everyone before you leave. I would suggest take that new rig and get on the plane and have some fun jumps with some fun people.

  2. Just out of curiosity, DZ dummie posted this thread in July 2004, Why are we still trying to explain to them what a closing pin necklace is for? Its been a little over 5 years now.

  3. Just my 2 cents: If you have to ask others is it safe then its probably not safe. Last year I chose not to go to Skyfest b/c I didnt want to put myself or others in any danger. I attended Skyfest this year and after attending I would have to say that ( for a student)a big boogie might not be the best place to jump. No matter how good your instructor is or how much information they can give you, when you are in the air with alot of other canopies you can get distracted very easily and start making bad decisions. There will always be a next boogie. Be careful out there.

  4. I have a Dz 45 minutes from my house and 1:15 minutes from my house. I drive a little over 2 hours to go to the Farm. Great place, great people, When I first started jumping there ( around 50 jumps or so) , I was still trying to do some solo jumps. I didnt realize how hard it was to do a solo jump. I was invited with open arms to jump with others. I remember the first time I arrived at the Farm I expected the same thing I had got from other DZs when walking up to the hanger but to my surprise everyone was greeting me. At the time I didnt know anyone there but now I know most everyone and I am now doing my part in welcoming people to the DZ. (yes, I know, I said first 3 times so who is going to call me on it?)

  5. I generally get my wifes attention and ask her ;Hey what do you think about her? If for some reason I am slacking and do not see a hot chick she usually gets my attention and says hey you missed her and she was hot too. We both feel like there is nothing wrong with looking cause we both know who we are going home with.

  6. Exactly why I keep most my comments to myself. I am a newbie to the sport with 98 jumps and read these forums every day. There are alot of things I want to ask but do not, due to getting pounded just because I havent been in the sport for 10 years and know everything. When I see something, I remember it and talk to my instructors about it.

  7. Any body need a room to stay in for Skyfest. Ihave reserved a 2 bed hotel room at the days inn. So far I have 4 people staying there and was hoping to get at least 5. The room is 10 minutes from the dz and the cost will be 89.00 for the 16th -21st. If you are interested let me know. You may want to bring a blow up mattress or something. I know there are two beds and I would think there would be a couch(possibly a roll out bed in the couch). you can call me &06 527 9317 or email me @ [email protected]

  8. I agree with the 100 jump minimum. I only have 94 jumps but I do have the knowledge to jump with someone with lower numbers and maybe teach them what I have learned or at least point them in the right direction. I have jumped with a few people that I feel like they took something with them after the jump. I also have been asked things before that were better off for someone else to teach ( so I pointed them in that direction.

  9. I have been in construction for 7 years and i hate when i have to get on a roof or work off a extesion ladder. My legs go straight to jello and I hate it. When I did my pre second tandem I was so scared that the heights problem I have was going to get the best of me but I did it anyway and I am very glad I did because now I am hooked. I have no problem at all getting on the plane or even the ride up. The people at work tell me that something is wrong with me if I can jump from 14,500 but cant go to the top of a 30 foot ladder. Just relax and have fun with your new found friends.

  10. labor day was my 1ST TIME at the farm. i had a blast and will return for the halloween jumps with my beer owed, in tow. thanks to everyone that was at the farm that weekend. as soon as i showed up through the doors i was greeted by what seemed like everyone. i felt welcomed right off the bat.