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Posts posted by rlucus

  1. Quote


    Only 4-5 hours pshh:P I honestly spend all 9 hours of my day here.

    Edit to add... I'm using 2 computers with a total of 4 monitors and 3 of those 4 have different DZ forums in them.

    The other one is used for basic surfing lol

    Cant I get an application?


    Software Engineer in charge of website maintenance.

  2. Only 4-5 hours pshh:P I honestly spend all 9 hours of my day here.

    Edit to add... I'm using 2 computers with a total of 4 monitors and 3 of those 4 have different DZ forums in them.

    The other one is used for basic surfing lol

  3. Quote

    Seems like he saw that plane coming but didn't pull early, kinda weird...

    Things are moving pretty fast and I'd say 2 seconds is a decent average reaction time to something you are completely not expecting.

  4. Quote


    i call bs. i do almost all of the housework and childcare around here and it isn't helping me get laid.

    Unfortunately, same for me.

    And you have a lot a children to clean up after :P

  5. Quote

    We "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights". This means that the government does not give and take rights but that the government protects those rights given to us by our creator. Also, if its not listed in the decloration of independence, constitution, or bill or rights how could you consider it a right. Education is not a right! Healthcare is not a right! The police are established by the government to protect our rights. When someone tries to infringe on an individuals rights then the police step in. Unfortunately they do much more than that now becuase the government has over step it bounds and did a long time ago. Rights can only be protected by the government, not provided. Education and healthcare are provided by the government and was not listed as a right and was not given to us by a creator therefore the government should have no involvement. The tenth amendment makes that very clear and most state constitutions do as well.

    We are endowed with certain rights correct... it doesn't say that we can't decide to have more rights. The constitution provides multiple rights that aren't unalienable.
    I don't see how the Tenth Amendment applies at all?

  6. That's good. Wing loadings don't scale perfectly, especially at both extremes. If you look at the chart you can see that. My point was don't take the advice of some random stranger (who admittedly does not have much experience.) A 1:1 wing loading if his exit weight was >150lbs would be bad advice.

    BTW if someone wants to point out that I am also a random stranger giving out advice it's not the same thing. I'm saying "Hey, take this guys advice" and this guy happens to be one of the most knowledgeable people in the sport.

  7. It's nice to see SC having a civil and constructive discussion :D

    As for doctors not getting to decide how much there time is worth, I think that goes along with it being a public service job... Public servants don't decide their own compensation. It is a combination of respect, pride, and compensation vs. hassle.

    As a fellow service member I'm sure you understand this.

    I have a fundamental belief that our current system is broken. I have a strong feeling against private insurance companies when it comes to health (and car insurance, but thats only because they managed to make it required by law)

  8. I concede it is a right declared in the DOI and not the constitution. I misspoke again. But (I honestly don't know) how does that make it different in US law?

    As for public services you make a good point (and a much more accurate statement than your first, of doctors would have to work for free.)

    As for legal defense being required by the constitution, that is also paid for by tax payers. My original question was not meant to be a legal question, but a moral one.

  9. Well that depends on which version of rights you are following. Public Safety is a constitutional right falling under the right to life.

    Education is human right as recognized by the UN in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Article 26...

    None the less, forget the word "right";) then and explain if (and how if so) you believe that comprehensive health care (I differentiate from emergency health care, which is its own issue) is different than police, fire, education, and legal defense?

    edit to add: When I mentioned public safety it also applies to property rights, while true police are a service designed to protect those rights... interesting distinction though?

  10. Quote


    Other questions need to be examined also. "Will this increase the number of people getting decent health care at an affordable out of pocket cost?" and "Is comprehensive health care a right?"

    The second question might be easier to answer. If health care is a right, then a doctor is obligated to treat me for free. Through such an obligation he must give up his own rights, time, property, etc. to service mine. Therefore I do not consider health care a right.

    I completely disagree with you. Education and Public safety are both rights that the government provides through tax dollars... why should health care be different. Teachers, police, and firefighters are still paid, so your comment about doctors having to work for free is absurd.

    I'm not totally convinced that comprehensive health care is a right, but I lean that direction.

  11. I read the whole thing and he does bring up some good questions with reasonable interpretations. If he is right or not I don't know.

    Other questions need to be examined also. "Will this increase the number of people getting decent health care at an affordable out of pocket cost?" and "Is comprehensive health care a right?"

  12. I jump every weekend, I actively pursue canopy knowledge and practice. I just recently got this canopy from jumping a 190 after many practice jumps on different 150s and 170s.

    Yes I am currently 0.0875 over my Do Not Exceed number (the gray one, which according to my own, and BGs advice, I qualify for). I'm currently making 20+ jumps a month.

    Make of it what you will. I was merely providing him with some good information.