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  1. For those that care. My sister had her foot amputated today. She is out of recovery now and seems to be coping well. Please go to her page and leave her encouraging words. She will be counting the days to be back in the air. her website is www.geocities.com/Blessedx3_07
  2. I got word today that my sister had her fever spike up to 104 through the night. She has a very serious infection and we have been unable to reach her by phone. She was suppose to talk to the Dr today about having her foot amputated since the last surgery was not taking. She may be having an emergency amputation today. Which saddens me since she is still all alone. I am searching for information about amputations. If anyone has any information please forward to me. I live in Texas, but she is in Hawaii. Please keep her in your prayers!
  3. My heart is breaking for her and I am searching for any information I can to help us support her. If anyone has any information please send it my way, it would be much appreciated.
  4. Well we just got the devastating news and my sister will be having her foot amputated next week. We are trying desperatly to get a family member there with her for this surgery. Please Please keep my sister in your prayers!
  5. It was only her first jump over the waters. We set her up a webpage here www.geocities.com/Blessedx3_07 I am not sure if links are allowed in this forum. It has the story about her accident and it is very interesting. If that link doesn't work let me know. Thanks, Courtnee
  6. Thank you so much! It means alot to us. IT hurts me everyday to hear the pain she is enduring. You can read more about her accident here (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=297528347)...she describes it in great detail.
  7. My thoughts and prayers are with your sister! We are in a similar sitation. My sister was in an accident as well. We live in the mainlands and her accident happened in Hawaii. She is all alone fighting this battle, because we have been unable to visit. It has been hard on the whole family. Everytime we talk to her she is crying or completly knocked out on Medications. She just underwent her 11th surgery and if it doesn't take then they will be amputating from the knee down. I will pray for your sister as well as the strength your family will need to lift her up!
  8. I would like to say hello to all the wonderful people on this board. I am a new member. I have a reason for joining. My sister was injured in a skydiving accident. She is very lucky to even have survived. She is a fighter and has a long battle ahead of her. On September 21, 2007 she was in Hawaii planning her first jump over the waters, her jump went bad in a matter of seconds. She broke her back in several places and shattered her foot. She has undergone 11 surgeries and is still got a lengthy recovery in the years to come. She is in Queens Medical Center in Hawaii, while her family is on the Mainlands. Unfortunatly we have not been able to visit due to financial restrains. There has been a tragedy account set up to help her with the overwhelming medical finances she has incurred. She just had the last surgery in hopes of saving her foot. If this surgery does not take then the Dr's are going to have to amputate her foot. This would be devastating for her, as it would anyone. She is a very outgoing and energetic person. I can hardly see where this would slow her down, but I know it will be a tough challenge for her. She has been battling VRE staph and gangrene with multiple surgeries. Please keep her in your prayers!