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Posts posted by untoldfox

  1. Rob, I've read some of your old posts about the Vortex2, takes a half dozen to master the repack ;) haha!

    Anyways, on a 120 EVS system.. With a 120 hurricane would a 120 Tempo reserve fit or have the same pack volume as the parachute systems 120 decelerator reserve?

    (this is what fits in the 120-EVS)
    120 EVS

    DECEL 120

    Hurricane 95
    Hurricane 105
    Hurricane 120
    ZP.EXE 89
    ZP.EXE 115

    325 cu.in320 cu.in.

  2. Hey hey,

    Can anyone tell me the round about figure on a new Vortex II set up with a 120/120 in a 120EVS container

    Is it best to order off the website, or go through a dealer?

    I live in BC Canada so I'll be needing it shipped, I can have it shiped to the USA and pick it up there if shipping costs less..

    I've been keeping an eye on the Classifieds and I can't seem to find one used rig (any make) that fits a 6'1" 175LBS person with a 120 main and 120 reserve in a 120 cut Container!


  3. I tend to edit on my personal videos on my computer..., however my dz still has tapes, and I hate tapes! I don't want to have to buy an old school DV camera to shoot tandems there.. so I'm pusthing them to get HD stuff.. however if HD boards cost an arm and a leg maybe I can just figure out for them how to plug my camera into their board and edit off my cx and I'll be a happy camper! hence all the questions!

    on a side note:

    I tend to shoot in HD and edit on my computer... and burn to a DVD to watch on a t.v... however when I render, i render it out at 720 at 30FPS.. (1080 takes far to long to render)

    Should I just shoot in SD, edit on my computer and render it at 720 30fps..? would that make a difference at all? quality and time?..

  4. So I know our DZ has all the equipment.. I'll have to double check to make sure they have an A/V port..

    The Sony Digital VCR Mini DV player http://ii.alatest.com/product/600x400/2/b/Sony-GV-D1000E-Digital-VCR-Mini-DV-2-head-s-0.jpg is just to play the video into the board I believe.. rewind/play/fast foward/ slowmo...

    My cx100 is currently set:

    Settings -> Movie settings -> HD

    I have to set it to:

    Settings -> Movie settings -> SD
    before it will work through the editing board?..

    Stupid question.. Whats the difference between SD/ HD ??

    Thanks for all your help.

  5. Thanks for the info!

    I'm thinking we'll be heading down there next year around this time, maybe the end of April to ensure the weather will be nice.

    Thursday - Monday is probably the ideal days to stay.

    Whats a jump ticket at Davis/Skydance? what kind of planes do they have? is it a bigger/ more busy DZ then that of Lodi?


  6. Trying to plan a trip down to Lodi from British Columbia Canada sometime next year.

    Not to sure what time of the year to go. The summers up here are rocking, (may- Oct..) so I would like to head down when its the off season up here. how is Cali from Nov - May? and during those months when would be ideal to go? (ie. still warm with lots of loads all day..)

    during those months how often do they put a plane up? Not sure if I should buy the 50 jumps, or pay per jump. can we get a good 6-7 jumps min a day if the weather is nice? depending on the loads we're planing on staying 5-7 days, so 50 jumps would really be pushing it I think, if we get a crappy day. also no refunds on the 50 jumps, so in the end you might spend more!..

    I believe you can camp on the DZ?.. is there restaurants close by? for some breakfast or lunch? does the DZ have a club house with a stove and such?

    Washrooms/ showers on site?

    Any more info would be fantastic, thanks!

  7. Hey team

    I just invested in my first rig, it comes complete with out an AAD!

    so, I'm not trying to be cheap, but I figure a used AAD is a good way to go, since a new Cypres runs 1400-1800 dollars. If I could find a cypres with 4-6 years left I could save some money and invest that into learning more about the sport.

    Is this a poor way of looking at it? Who knows where I will be in 10 years, and thats my reasoning behind not needing a brand new out of the box cypres. if I'm still living near my dz in 5 years when the used one runs out, I'll buy a new one then!

    I've been keeping an eye on the classifieds, but there doesn't seem to be that much, and if one shows up, its sold in an hour, or the seller doesn't reply.

    Does anyone have any links to other boards/DZ websites/ skydive websites that sell used AAD's

    Thanks again,

  8. I found a couple that may fit me that are in my price range.

    Can anyone tell me about cross port fraying?

    Also, there is this one. made for someone 5 foot 10, I'm 6 foot 1, would it fit me? I have a long torso aswell.

  9. Hey guys and girls

    I finished my AFF a couple weeks back, did 4 coach jumps and a few solo jumps on my own, I'm still jumping a larg canopy, going to jump a 190 this week some time.

    I'm 6 foot and weigh in around 175 lbs. people have been saying a good sized first main would be around 150 upwards to 190, 150 being quite small and fast, so I'm thinking a 170 container with a 170 that could fit a 150 would be a good idea?.. input?

    now, I'm having a hell of a time finding used gear on this site, first you have to find something that will fit your frame, then it has to have the right size main in it, which I found one yesterday, but it sold yesterday!

    so.. I don't want to go all summer jumping student gear. I'll go broke..

    is there any other websites out there that have used gear for sale? is buying new that much more? what is a good new rig that is on the cheaper scale?.. and if i do that I'll have to put a main and a reserve in, i could buy used but that means I have to find it on here, make sure its not sold, then get it shipped here.

    my god, this is hard.

    If your searching the classifieds and happen to find soemthing that would fit me, feel free to post the link! cause ive been emailing everyone one of those adds and I haven't found one yet!

    what should I do?

  10. Thanks for the replys guys!

    The rig will come with a cypress, 2 years left on it.. (after 12 years do you have to replace them?)

    What kind of price would be good to offer? give me a round number!

    I'll check it out in the next frew weeks, going to start and finsh my AFF in the next month. don't want to buy it before jumping of course, lol

    Anyone have a picture of a 1999 Javelin rig? I can't find any images of them..

    Thanks again!

  11. Hey Guys,

    Would a 1999-2000 Javelin container be a good starter container?

    What are your thoughts? was it a good safe rig? any problems that you know of?

    I'm 6 foot 170-175 lbs. the rig I'm looking at comes with a 210 Main.. I know its pretty large for my weight. the guy selling weighs 190 and is 5 foot 11. hes a little older so he wanted a larger main that open softer.. and he used it for pin point landings he said.

    What I'm wanting to know, would this be a good rig to start with? its a really good price, and its local, hes been jumping for 20 years and he explaind alot to me, he takes really good care of his stuff, and Id really like to buy local, so I can try it on and get it inspected before buying it. I know the main chute can be changed.

    its not only the container and chutes I'm getting, but 3 jump suits, alt. helmet (probably get a new one!) .. everything is 8-9 years old he said... but I figure I can always upgrade..

    What would you pay for it?

    so.. good or bad Idea?

    (sorry for the weird post.. just wanting to know if this would be a good move or not)

  12. Hey guys

    Just wondering what kind of qualifications must you have to be able to train AFF or take people out on tandem jumps?

    On average how many jumps do these people have? what kind of training do they have?

    Also I've heard the term 'Jump master' could someone explain that? and 'Master rigger' What, or how does one get that title? apart from being really good at what they do.

    thanks again!

  13. Hey guys, Glad I found out about this website, I've been doing a lot of reading the last couple days between working 18 hour days in the oil patch, so I'm sorry if this has been asked 325234 times already, I couldn't find anything about it.

    I'm 6 foot 1 and around 175-180 lbs(tall and skinny)

    I have a question regarding my first complete USED system. I'm totally green when it comes to knowing what to look for, I don't plan on buying anything anytime soon, but I have been looking through the Classified Featured Complete Systems but I'm really unsure what to even look for.

    What size should I be looking for?

    Does age of the rig matter? what should I be looking for there?

    What units are good, what companies are bad, what should I really stay away from?.. Whats a good price to pay..

    Like I said, I don't plan on buying anytime soon, but I would really just like to get an idea of what I should be looking into. any info, links to other threads about this would be great.

    Thanks a lot guys, very helpful website, and I hope to learn a lot