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Posts posted by DavidB

  1. Quote

    could it be a C-7 Caribou

    At first I dismissed this entirely. The plane I saw was a turbo-prop & the C-7's I jumped in the later 80's/early 90's @ Herd Boogies were all piston engines (& LOUD). Now I'm wondering if a C-7 could/would be fitted with turbines...? Certainly seems this or the C-160 is what I saw.
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  2. I was going to ask this a few months ago when I saw one flying out of McGuire, but I could still swear it had a T-tail, or at least the vertical stabilizers were considerably higher than the wings.

    C-5's & C-17's are awesome when they fly over @ about 1000ft over the house making their final turn on approach. KC-110's are quiet, & 135's shriek/whistle, while the C-5 rumbles by.
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  3. Tried using Rain-X about 20 years ago. Couldn't stand how the droplets on the windshield reflected the overhead lights as I was driving at night. Drove me BATTY! Had to scrub that stuff off the windshield! Doesn't do this on side & back glass & actually does help them clear faster/easier than if not treated.

    I WILL use that stuff on the windshield of my OLD cars (vintage 1968-69) because the wiper blades are likely to be dried out, the cars only get used rarely, & finally I really do try to be them home before dark.

    Squeek, if you turn the heater to "defrost" the A/C SHOULD also run to dry the air at the same time. If you turn the defroster on & it causes the windshield to fog over THEN clear, I suggest you have the cooling system pressure checked as there is likely to be a leak in the heater core (my GF's 21 year old car needed it replaced a couple weeks ago). A slightly "sweet" small in the car when the heat is first turned on, is a dead give-away coolant is leaking inside. "Chemical warfare" (chemical leak stoppers poured into the radiator) should be avoided unless absolutely necessary, as this may cause trouble later.
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  4. It's currently just past 8AM, snow is falling at a furious rate as a "Nor'Easter" gets wound up & ready for a 2-day dumping on us poor sad-sacks between NYC & Philly. Having wiped the tears of laughter from my eyes, I can now properly thank you for this morning's most excellent entertainment. :D

    Great stuff! Now, go contribute to the "scary stories from the good old days" post! ;)

    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  5. Quote

    It's no secret many of us have Attention Deficit Disorder. :P

    But what if it starts to interfere with your love life? :|

    Last night my hubby and I are downstairs after everyone's gone to bed and he's feeling frisky. >:(During, all of these thoughts race through my mind:

    Damn, the kids left the TV on in the playroom, I'll have to turn it off
    Gyad my back hurts; am I getting too old for this position?!
    Oh no; we're on our new couch and I don't want to mess it up! >:(
    -No worries. We're on top of a blanket.
    Washing blankets is sooo easy in my new washing machine!
    What the hell do I get for Bonnie to apologize for no-showing her for my hair appointment?
    Did we lock the upstairs gate? OMG, what if someone wakes up and we don't hear them come downstairs because the gate is open!!
    Did my undies just get stuck between the couch cushions??
    Did someone leave the garage light on again?!

    -Are we going to finish this episode of CSI NY? It's after midnight. :|

    At least it doesn't result in performance anxiety, like it will in a male. [:/]
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  6. Quote

    Unless of course you are using the calendar from your computer which has been updated for the next hundred years or so. So you're saying that because Microsoft implemented a calendar on a computer intended to to used for perhaps 8 to 10 years max, that microsoft can tell the future? Or because there isnt a calendar printed out past this year that has the same relevance?

    Is Windows 2000 enough proof, or does one need to bring up the PS3? :|

    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  7. Quote

    Wow I did'nt know that BMs were getting that.... and those are proper size Gallons too

    Which means here in the US, those cars will NOT achieve the same numbers! Our gallons are a bit smaller, right? :o
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  8. Much of it is determined by where you drive, & how you drive. Hilly, curvy, stop & go driving uses more gas than running at 45 on a flat straight road. Basic "hot rodder techniques" of making it easier to get the air in, getting the mixture burning & getting the exhaust out with less restriction STILL works, too!

    My truck is gov. rated at something like 14-21 MPG. Through a combination of technique & minor "hot rodding" (timing curve changes, torque converter lock & unlock speed changes & opening up the stock air inlet mainly) results in an average of 17-19 MPG depending on the time of year (winter less, summer more) from my usual 2-3 mile short-trips & once a year I run 1200 miles each way resulting in 25 MPG running around 70 most of the trip.

    My best was 3 years ago I managed a 25.8 MPG average for the 2700 mile round trip. Not too shabby for a small 4WD extended cab truck ('04 Colorado) with optional engine, trans & gears, eh?
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  9. My great Grandmother was born in the 1890's (we think, may be earlier), came over from the old world (Italy) around the turn of the century, died in 1965. If anyone knows about recipes using tomatoes, she did. I do remember occasionally straining tomatoes to remove the seeds & skins, but this was pretty rare & of course depended on the recipe.

    Today we don't make anything that requires seed removal, so the tool is buried (yes, there is a strainer/pan with a rotating flat that presses whatever to the strainer that is the bottom of the pan). Besides tomato seeds are good roughage, & one can never get enough! :S

    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  10. Quote


    I endorse Nick's suggestion. This may be just a foreshock with a much bigger one imminent.

    Advice - when it hits just get under a desk. Too many run outside and kept crushed by falling masonry or cut to bits by falling glass. Get under a desk or something and keep a supply of water and ziploc bags - most fail to appreciate that if trapped under rubble for a few days you'll have bowel movements. You can put those in ziplocs to keep the smell down and the bugs away.

    Wow, you have thought this out in depth!

    I'm sure his old scout master would be quite proud.

    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  11. Quote


    I seem to recall a story about you getting something stuck in a bottle once.

    Was this it?

    :S I'm not sure what's more troubling here; the picture itself of the fact that you had that picture on your computer? :|
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  12. Quote


    We aren't supposed to have them in IL. :|

    We had one here in Indiana a couple of summers ago. It was really really freaky.

    New Madrid anyone? :o

    Hell, we even got shaken a couple years ago here in NJ. Aside from the occasional hurricane, the very rare tornado, & these fun Nor'Easters, we're not supposed to have things like that happen here! [:/]
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  13. Quote




    And it has yet to turn into the "Nor'easter" so we're not done yet...

    So glad I got the hell outta New Jersey when I did!! I could be stuck home clearing the driveway and chilling by the fireplace!!! :D

    Enjoy it. The snow will still be here when you return!

    BTW, right now; VERY blue skies, winds out of the NW & 12 & it's up to 21° (up from 15° @ 8AM).

    We got about 14" up here. A friend that lives across the road from the golf course behind X-keys got 24". :P
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  14. Quote



    And it has yet to turn into the "Nor'easter" so we're not done yet...

    OK, then. The winds of change have arrived. Winds 25-40 from the NE, heavy snow, visibility about 1/4 mile in horizontal snow.

    Where's the crying smilie?!?

    Got plenty of food here, & a nat. gas generator if power goes out. Living on the county line, the roads are well plowed plus it's only 1.5 miles into town if I do need anything. I'm just not looking forward to moving 24"-36" plus the obligatory 48"-60" drift across the driveway tomorrow.
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.