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    SkyDive Orange
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  1. She might do a tandem some time down the road. She is more of a horse nut, so I do not see her diverting potential boarding $$$ to the cause... I have to agree... she is a keeper for sure.
  2. Hi all... Initially tried to get into the skydiving back in the late 80's out in Perris. After a few days of getting scrubbed due to winds... shipped off to Okinawa where scuba diving became the focus. Finally did a static in Maricopa AZ about 7 years ago. It was more of a dare with the guys that lived in my 'cult' de sac. It was great but I didn't have the means to really indulge. We relocated to Virginia about six months ago and there are limited opportunities for me to SCUBA or ATV... so I have been looking for another hobby. Apparently my (very thoughtful, generous and beautiful) wife noticed the Orange airport as we were at the tail-end of our mad-dash cross-country 4 day relocation trek and also saw that SkyDive Orange was there. This put the thought into her head to surprise me with the best B-day present ever! I recently turned 39 and was presented with a gift-wrapped SIM with a certificate in it stating that I was paid up through getting my 'A'. Went out to SkyDive Orange last weekend and began what I hope is a very long and rewarding relationship with the sport. Look forward to seeing and learning from y'all in the future...